Forgiveness got only from love

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Now come back to our Story line:

After Abhi went from there, all moved towards their rooms and Bulbul knocked at the door of her dad asking him permission to talk with him.

Raj: I already told you all my final decision about Pragya's marriage. You can go if you want to talk about that.

Bulbul: No Dad, I didn't came here to talk about Pragya as I know my jeeju will do something.
(Earning a glare from her dad) Sorry Dad, I came here to talk about Janice aunt.

Raj: oh God... (Keeping his hands on his forehead in tension)

Bulbul: I know Dad ,you are not in mood to talk about that. But it is necessary to invite them for Pragya Di's engagement. Then our family will unite again.

Raj is sitting in his chair with his eyes closed. Bulbul put knelt down near to him and she holds his hands then..

 Bulbul put knelt down near to him and she holds his hands then

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Bulbul: Dad, none in this world is perfect. We all do mistakes. I accept aunt did a big mistake.
I could understand your pain too but think in her situation for 1 minute, she loved a Hindu. She may thought it may create havocs in our life. We all know about the results of inter religion marriage ,right dad!! She would have thought you won't agree when she tells her love for uncle. She may be scared if I was there in her situation, I would have stopped the marriage declaring my love for a Hindu person before the groom's family itself and I would have faced the consequences with my love. And I won't leave my family in trouble for my happiness and that too I will marry only when my family agreed to it. Otherwise I would have been single till my death. May be she didn't has the courage to face those things. But I agree,what she did is wrong.

Dad, first thing marriage is decided in heaven, no one can change it.
It is either love marriage or arrange marriage both happens according to the wish of God with our respective soulmates.

You want your sister to be happy with her husband, for that only you have arranged marriage for her. But now too, she is happy with uncle.

She is my patient right dad! I used to visit her daily there I could see the love of Shakthi uncle's towards Janice aunt. He looked after her like a small child. And that Purab, he is nothing but a small kid ,he doesn't know how to show his anger too ,you have seen today right dad! He cried while speaking to you. There are such a good lovable persons. And I don't want to lose that relations too. I think you too have the same thought....

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