Separation from our love is painful

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Now come back to our story line:

Dadi ma after hearing Raj's words,...

Dadi: stop it Raj, don't hurt her again and again. My daughter has came here after a long time. Please I beg of you, just forgive her.
How you are all loved her and looked after her like a princess.
Now from where did this hatred came? Haan..
Why my sons are shutting ur mouths ,open it and tell me don't you have love on her a little bit?
Yes, I agree ,she did a wrong thing but even after the separation of 27 years, you still feel angry and has hatred on her. It's shows you don't have any love and affection towards her.

Just open your mouth now my sons.

Raj: Mom, I can understand what you say. I don't how to express my love like you showed to her. You are her mom, you can easily forgive her. But we are her brothers, who cared her as a father, as a protective shield, we didn't even made her feel that she doesn't has father ,we considered her as our angel but she left us like a trash,
Just for her so called love.

If we are not important for her ,whether she used us for her benefit.We have our own life but we all sacrificed everything for her life and for her marriage but she didn't even tell a word that she is in love with someone. We would have a thought about it, if she told us. But she left us, she didn't even thought a second how her family will face their relatives when she eloped with her lover.
(Got teary eyed)
Janice started crying more, put knelt down on the hall.

Her brothers too started crying. Bulbul came forward to console Ragini but after receiving deadly glare from her dad, she moved behind. Purab and Shakthi made Ragini lifted up. Purab and Shakthi too got teary eyed. Bulbul felt bad for their condition.

Dadi: May be you are right, but try to forgive her Raj, at least after 27 years of pain of separation. Please..

Raj: Mom, you are admitted in the hospital ,you don't know how much humiliations we went through from relatives and groom's family.

Do you know what they told mom, a girl without a father's scoldings will not be grown well in behaviours. Mom, they accused us for not grown up her well with the behaviours. They didn't even accused for that one but also our whole family. Our whole family folded our hands before that groom, do you forget it? You may but I won't.
I can't forget that day ever in my life.

Janice: Bhaiiii

Raj: Not a word more, get lost, please don't come here again and you can leave.

Purab: will you please stop it?
Ragini tried to stop him, but he didn't.

My mom did fault ,yes I agree ,she would have faced the consequences by stopping the marriage with the support of my dad. But she didn't do it, I agree but that doesn't means you can hurt my mom this much.
Not even a day in mom's life has passed without telling me your love for her. You have faced humiliations that day after that many changed in your life. My mom still didn't come out of her guiltiness because of her love for you all.

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