Vol 2 - Chapter 6 : The Hanabi Garden

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Vol 2 - Chapter 6 : The Hanabi Garden

Summary: The Suzaku and Genbu Seven went out to the city of blooms to find more about the magical blue rose, which they believed would bring them to a clue about the whereabouts of the Priestess of Genbu, Takiko Okuda and the Shinzaho. On there way, they will face an entire village with deep loathing to the Celestial Warriors. Will they be able to find the Garden of Hanabi while concealing their powers and identities? And who is the looming shadow following their journey.

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As soon as they stepped into the premises of the village in the City of Blooms, they were welcomed by unwelcoming gaze of the people living there.

They walk into the market place. It looks like the village suffered alot from the drift, as some of the houses are damaged if not destroyed.

"Che, the Suzaku no Miko appears again? Heh, as if that will change anything." They overheard the conversation of the people.

"The appearance of Miko and the Suzaku seven, never does anything good to our country and people."

The warriors were surprised  on what they heard. This is the first time they heard people with different perspective in regards to them.

"Who are you people?" A woman harshly said.

"Uhhhmm, we mean you no harm, we're just travellers. Uhhmm, we just, want to ask about the blue rose--" Miaka was surprised to see the steel the in the woman's eyes.

"Tss, a bunch of kids like you will never come back alive. So dont even think about it." the woman spared them one disgusted look as she left them.

"Wait!!" Miaka said but was stopped by Tamahome.

The warriors were left with no choice but to rest for the night. They were lucky to find an inn that can accommodate their group.

While on the dining area, the Celestial Warriors conversed about earlier.

"The village seems to have suffered a lot no da" Chichiri said.

"I dont understand, why did they say that our arrival will do nothing to help them?" Miaka said, obviously distraught.

"It happened to us before." Uruki said, making the warriors look at him. The other Genbu warriors looked down.

"During our time, people from Hokkan believed that the appearance of the Priestess and the Seven Celestial warriors will only bring forth destruction to the kingdom." He said.

"The people believed that the Priestess and the Seishis are sign of impending doom, and will appear only before a great tragedy." Urumiya said.

"But, that isnt true right? Takiko, Suzuno, Yui and Me, are called to summon the beast Gods, to help and save the country from being destroyed. Al least, that's what we've always thought" she said sadly.

"Mom" Hikari held her mother's hands.

"Dont let this bother you priestess. You served your purpose very well and brought peace to your land. Just like Takiko did" Uruki said.

"Takiko Okuda, the Priestess of Genbu. I.. Among the four of us, I knew she's the strongest and her will to save the people of her land is strong. I know... I know we can find her." Miaka said.

Uruki smiled to the Priestess.

'We're here!" Tasuki announced, followed by Nuriko, Tomite, Hikitsu and Hatsui.

"Did you found anything about the flower" Hotohori asked.

The returning group kept quiet.

"It looks like the people here are indeed devastated by the plague of the drift. We heard from the townspeople that this place moved three times already. They we're hit by some powerful earthquake which divided their land from the kingdom. We tried to mingle with some of the villagers, but we we're just given cold shoulders. They seemed not very fond of visitors from other land" Nuriko explained.

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