Vol 2 - Chapter 7 : The Eternal Rose

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As they entered the realm, the warriors passed through the warp created by the tree.

"I can't believe it's really true. There's a dimension inside a tree?" Tasuki said incredously.

"Even during our time, strange and supernatural occurances are rare. Even though Hokkan has the capacity of spiritual enchantments." Hikitsu explained.

"Those people from the village are protecting the rose. I guess it really is magical. They firmly believe that it's what guides them, plus the travellers believed the it cure people of illnesses. But I kinda don't get it's connection with the Shinzaho" Miaka said.

"Probably, it's not really the blue rose, but the guardian herself, Hanabi" Nuriko answered.

Going deeper into the dimension portal, hikari couldn't help but to watch Uruki, as the wind warrior is unusually quiet.

"Uhhhmmm.. Uruki..." she hesitated.

"About earlier... is.. is it really the Priestess' voice?" She asked, making the warriors and the Miko surprised. Uruki gazed at the young girl and nodded.

"Takiko? You two heard Takiko's voice?" Tomite asked in confusion.

"Hmmm" Hikari nooded " Before we're completely engulfed by the fire, as I prayed for help, I heard a voice whispering to me, calling Uruki's name." She explained.

"I cant be wrong, for that brief moment, I heard Takiko's name in the hill, calling me" Uruki said, looking down at his hands.

"I was so sure.. it was really her" he followed.

Before anyone could speak of the happening, a light made it's way from the other side of the portal, and in one moment they we're on a completely different place.

"W..woah" Tamahome said as they watched the scene unfold. Right before them is a beautiful garden with different flowers and plants, even more beautiful than the field on the city.

"C-could it be? That this is the real Hanabi Garden?" Hatsui said, amzed at the sight. Recognizing few plants with different purposes, such as healing and the likes.

"This place is so beautiful" Nuriko said, appreciating the colorful landscape surrounding them.

Hikari's eyes widened as she caught sight of a glowing flower in the middle of the field.

"Mom, Dad! Look a glowing flower!" She proclaimed.

The warriors went to check the said flower and they we're mistaken.
There, standing in the middle of the field, with an ethereal blue glow, is a lone blue rose yet to open. It was kinda bigger than, the usual rose and the petals are shining.

"This is it! The blue rose!" Miaka said cheerfully.

"We found it!" Tamahome said.

"Shall we take it then?" Tasuki commented making Nuriko pulled his ear.

"Chill out hothead, we cant just pick it up." she commented, making Tasuki grin.

"Hehehe, I was just joking" he said.

"Nuriko's right you know, we can't just take it. According to the villagers, Hanabi should be residing in this place right? We should go look for her first you know" Chichiri said.

Miaka leaned down to the rose, it's beauty was so mesmerizing that she couldn't help but touch it.

As soon as she touched the rose, vines started moving a got a hold of her wrist.

"Ahhh!" She screamed. Tamahome was quick to slash out the vines and moved away from the rose.

"Look!" Inami said. The warriors we're astounded to see the big vines and trees moving on their own, as if shielding the rose.

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