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samantha made her way to the stranger things set. they had started filming the second season for 2 weeks now and it was coming along great.

samantha loved watching her mom act and one day she hoped she can be like her. but right now, all she was the daughter of winona ryder which she obviously didn't mind.

when she got to the set they were filming the scene where will had another episode outside of hawkins middle. she watched gaten, caleb, sadie, and finn stare at noah as his body rapidly shook.

the scene had finally finished which lead them to have a 30 minute break. winona walked towards samantha, giving her a kiss on the cheek. samantha faked gagged in front of her friends.

"sam! i missed you!" gaten screamed and hugged her tight. she laughed and instantly hugged back. out of the boys, samantha was the closest to gaten. they always watched high school musical with each other.

"ryder!" caleb jumped out of no where.

"mclaughlin!"samantha said with jazz hands. then came noah, the calmest, and the only one who called her rose other than her mom sometimes.

lastly was finn. her and finn had their ups and downs. some days they'd be laughing at each other, other days they'd scream at each other at the top of their lungs. and today might be one of those days.

"clown face."he said not looking at her. samantha rolled her eyes with her arms crossed.

"if you don't like the shit i post then don't follow."she snapped. finn looked up and laughed.

"you get so butthurt!"he said. before she come reply, sadie came running and screaming to samantha.

"my favorite satanist!"sadie laughed. they always made fun of each other, especially online, which makes the fandom think they hate each other when in reality they're like sisters.

they went to the food bar and all chatted with one another.

"where's millie?"

"she's doing some scenes right now."noah said while shoving grapes in his mouth.

soon enough their break was over. the only one who stayed behind was caleb. he didn't have to do any scenes until him, sadie, joe, and gaten were in the junkyard.

samantha and caleb got into playing fortnite since caleb wouldn't shut up about it. she loved playing games, especially rainbow six siege, but fortnite got too overrated to her.

"are you guys off tomorrow?"she asked. samantha had a lot of free time unlike her mom and friends.

caleb smiled."yeah!"

samantha did a little victory dance which caused the duffer brothers to shush her. she mouthed a 'sorry' and slowly sat down with red cheeks. she often got red when she gets embarrassed.

"anyway, let's go to the bowling alley or something?" samantha asked.

"im down! im pretty sure everyone else is too besides finn." he said.

samantha groaned. finn was always in a pissy mood, he always tried to be the boss of everyone. things had to be his way for him to go.

"he doesn't have to go!"

caleb shook his head."but then he'd mad that we didn't invite him!"

that cause samantha to groan again.

soon it was time for caleb to leave and sadie, millie, noah, and finn to come back.

millie embraced her with a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek. millie and sam were always affectionate towards each other.

"at least someone loves me!"samantha said dramatically as she placed a hand on her forehead. then came finn to butt in again.

"no one cares samantha! why are you even here?"finn groans. she was already tired of finn so she decided to leave early. before she did, she told everyone about tomorrow. finn was going to say something until millie butt in first.

"okay! text us when you're home!"millie said.

samantha looked everywhere for her mom but she couldn't. her mom would be back late, she already knew that.

her uber finally arrived and took her home within 15 minutes. as soon as she got home she text the group chat. of course finn had to say something dumb.

samantha ignored and watched 'the fosters' for the rest of the day.

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