eighty two

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samantha was in deep sleep when her phone started ringing. she groaned, forgetting that she didn't turn her ringer off.

she looked to the side to read the clock.

3:20 am.

her phone was still ringing and without looking at the contact name, she answered.

"hello?" she yawned. her heart dropped when she heard mr.brightside playing.

and i just can't look
it's killing me...
and taking control...

she looked at the contact name.

jealousy turning
saints into the sea
swimming through
sick lullabies...

"finn what do you want?" samantha asked. she was so confused. why was he up this late?

she heard sniffing.

"sam, where are you?" finn's voice cracked. her heart broke into pieces. she hated hearing him like this.

"home why?"

he groaned."no what state are you in?"

she responded that she's in minnesota because her mom missed it there. finn broke down crying.

"samantha i miss you so fucking much."

choking on your allibies
but it's just
the price i pay...
destiny is calling me.

samantha's eyes filled with tears. she knew she still loved finn but she couldn't. christian makes her happy now.

"you stopped loving me finn. this was all on you. you made me so happy but now that's not your place." she cried.

open up
my eager eyes...

"no sam, please we can fix this. i didn't know what was going through my head. samantha i never stopped loving you. i miss you in my arms. i miss doing everything with you. please come back to me." finn cried.

she couldn't believe he was doing this. all she wanted was sleep. she felt so much pressure because he kept begging and begging.

finn was up in his room in LA, crying his heart out to her. he was curled up in a ball hoping she would take him back. that's all he wanted. it was true, he never stopped loving her. he regretted everything he did.

he also knew she still loved him. she could never stop loving him.

"and why would i take you back finn?" she asked.

"cause im mr.brightside." he said.


mr.brightside; wolfhardWhere stories live. Discover now