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finn and sam laid on the grass in her backyard while eating strawberries. the last month with finn had been so great but what finn hated was that he had only kissed her 3 times. he wanted to kiss her whenever he wanted to.

he thought it was a perfect time to put an official tittle to their relationship.

samantha laid there, admiring his face. she loved the way he looked at things. it was so interesting to stare at him. finn turned to the side and smiled her. butterflies immediately formed in her tummy. it was that easy how one person can make you feel like 1,000 emotions.

finn cleared his thoat."samantha rose ryder, will you please do the honor and be my lovely girlfriend forever?"

samantha laughed and attacked him with a big hug.

"yes finnie."

then she attached her lips onto his. their lips were basically made for each other. they both collided softly and gently. the taste of their lips drove one another wild, like they can kiss all day long.

finn finally pulled away and sighed with a smile on his face.


samantha went back to laying down and grabbed a hold of his hand. she was so happy that her mouth was hurting so much from smiling. finn was in fact her first boyfriend which made it even better. she was glad she has someone like him.

the time passed and it was time for him to go on set. samantha tagged along with her mom and finn. it sucked for her because all she wanted to do was spend time with him but stranger things 2 had been coming along great.

when they walked to set hand and hand everyone cheered. they found out they were official because finn couldn't keep his big mouth shut. he was so happy to have a girlfriend that he felt like he had to tell the world.

"okay but she's still my wife!"millie said. finn gasped.

"are you stealing my girlfriend?"he asked.

"sorry babe but she's my wife." samantha laughed. they all screamed when she called finn 'babe' which caused him to blush.

duffer brothers told them to get in their places which left samantha alone and sad. she still hated how she didn't do anything with her life. even nayeli was beginning her modeling career. samantha knew she had to do something soon.

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