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samantha and the gang were all at her house having a sleepover.

"you guys want pizza or something?"winona came into the living room with a smile.

the kids loved winona. she was always so nice and thoughtful. she gave everyone love.

samantha looked at everyone and they nodded.

"yeah please mom. we'll help pay!"she suggested. samantha felt bad for her mom always spoiling her. she always tried to buy her own things but winona insisted.

"nonsense! there's also ice cream in the fridge if you guys want any."winona laughed and walked off to order pizza.

"your mom is the best sam wow."caleb said. samantha faked cry.

"i know right."

they all sat in a perfect circle as the continued with their game of truth or dare. it was basically dare or dare since anyone who picked true was a 'little weenie'. their dates were always wild and made them get in trouble plenty of times. winona made them promise not to play but look where they are now.

dare after dare, laugh after laugh, it was samantha's turn again. she didn't care what kind of dare it was, she would still do it. the police tried to arrest her once which got her into big trouble.

"truth or dare?" nayeli asked.

"you already know!"

nayeli and the 2 other girls whispered in each other's ear and laughed. this scared samantha. yeah, she was a savage but the girls were evil little ones.

"so you say you'd do anything right?"sadie smirked. samantha sighed and nodded.

gaten laughed out loud."you're in deep shit ryder."

samantha just wanted to hear the dare already. she threw a pillow at gaten which caused them to have a mini pillow fight.

"okay okay! sam your dare is... drumroll please!"millie yelled with her eyes closed. the group patted on the floor loudly.

"you have to kiss finn."nayeli laughed. everyone then started laughing expect for finn and sam. she didn't want to kiss him at all but then again she didn't want to be called a weenie.

"no fucking way!"finn suddenly got up.

"exactly!"samantha said. everyone was too busy laughing while samantha and finn looked at them with dirty looks on their faces.

"fine then you-"noah started but finn interrupted.

"she'll do it!"he yelled with his hands up. samantha and everyone else looked at him in disbelief. just because finn said she was going to do it doesn't mean she still wanted to.

"i don't want to."she mumbled. caleb gasped.

"is the samantha rose ryder rejecting a dare?"he said. she groaned. samantha was getting pear pressured and she hated it.

"just a peck!"she said with one finger up. millie pouted and shook her head."just 10 seconds!"

"5 seconds."finn said. samantha was so confused. why did finn even agree to kiss her? especially kiss her for 5 seconds. they hated each other, they rarely got along.

samantha sighed and nodded.

"this is gonna be legendary."noah said.  she rolled her eyes. why did they want her to kiss finn so badly?

"let's just get this over with, wolfhard."she said without looking at her. the two were force to sit in the middle of the group.

finn started to regret opening his mouth. he most certainly didn't want to kiss the girl who looked like a clown everyday.  he started to back away when sadie pushed him back.

"just go you big babies!"gaten screamed.

"fuck off!"samantha snapped.

"yeah! how would you feel if you kissed nayeli?"finn said. gaten and nayeli were also like finn and samantha but they had recently started becoming friends.

"okay let's just do it."she mumbled. finn looked at samantha and his eyes soften. he tried to pretend it was for a acting scene but it was too hard for him.

samantha slowly leaned it and he did the same. she felt his breath against her lips and quickly closed the gap between them. everyone went wild but as for them...

they felt an odd feeling. they felt small tingles against their mouth. samantha thought his lips were soft like a baby's bottom. finn thought her lips tasted like mint. both of them didn't like the fact that they were starting to like it.

"okay that was like a whole minute!"sadie laughed. once they pulled away, they looked down. it felt like they were kissing for ages when it was only a minute even though it was suppose to be 5 seconds.

samantha was gonna say something but then winona came in.

"pizza is here!"winona sang. everyone bolted out expect for finn and samantha. he looked back at her, trying to find the right words to say, but instead he just walked away.

she stood there in silence. she was shocked.

why did she kind of liked it?


why did he kind of liked it?

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
crazy chapter wowwee

im sick guys):

i hate this

mr.brightside; wolfhardWhere stories live. Discover now