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caleb let himself into samantha's house and found her eating cereal on the kitchen table.

"caleb!"she shouted and hugged him. she offered him a bowl of cereal which he gladly accepted.

they ate in silence until caleb had to open his mouth about finn.

"so finn."he wiggled his eyebrows. samantha rolled her eyes.

"dude i didn't feel anything. it was just a dare."

caleb and everyone else knew they were lying. samantha didn't want to admit that she wanted to kiss finn again but soon it'll come out.

"but you guys would be so cute together. because you and no-i mean yeah you'd be cute together."caleb stuttered.

samantha gave him a confused look but decided not to ask. after another hour of them talking about finn, she still didn't admit it. if anything she'd tell gaten since the girls would go super wild.

soon enough, they heard the door open and 2 boys running in. samantha couldn't help but smile at how cute finn looked. he was still in 'mike wheeler' clothes which made him even look more cuter.

the way he jumped around laughing made her heart skip a beat. she hated that she felt like this. but a part of her had always wanted to feel like this towards someone.

as for finn, he loved how her makeup looked today. he didn't mind her wild makeup skills. he liked how she stood there with a smile plastered on her face.

he jumped in circles around her. "hi samantha!"

sam flinched at his voice, coming back to reality. she laughed.

"why are you so hyper, wolfhard?"

he gasped."why aren't you hyper, ryder?"

caleb stared at them in awe while he tried to get videos/pictures.

noah stood there with a fake smile on his face. he had started gaining hella feelings for samantha ever since he saw her.

it even kind of hurt him when finn and her kissed. no one knew he liked her until 2 days ago. noah decided that he had to move on because he can tell finn and samantha had gain feelings for each other just by the way they exchanged looks.

samantha and finn were so hung up on their conversation that they forgot caleb and noah were there.

"oh uh, you guys want to go somewhere?"samantha asked. she knew she had to stop these feelings before she started becoming head over heels for him.

"we can ride bikes like you wanted to."finn suggested. that warmed samantha's heart since she tweeted that almost 2 weeks ago.

they all immediately agreed. soon, they were riding bikes and screams around the woods. samantha loved the way the wind blew through her hair. it calmed her.

the 4 kids suddenly stopped when they saw a lake which caused them to smirk at each other. luckily they had been wearing shorts. it was somewhat appropriate attire to get wet.

"what if there's fish?"caleb nervously laughed.

"don't be a baby. just get in!"samantha said with her body half way in. finn ran inside to catch up with sam. he splashed her as he ran causing her to scream.

"it's on wolfhard!"

finn and samantha splashed at each other while caleb and noah slowly got in, scared that there was fish inside.

laughter and screams were heard from them until finn grabbed samantha by the waist. she gasped and stared into his eyes. his wet hair was all over his eyes. finn began breathing hard, he wanted to kiss her so badly.

samantha didn't know what was going through her head but she started leaning in which caused finn to close his eyes. but before the gap was closed, caleb's girly scream scared them. she immediately pulled away and ran towards the other boys.

finn sighed. he found it crazy how he's slowly falling more for her after hating her for so long. he wanted her more than ever now and he was gonna get her.

mr.brightside; wolfhardWhere stories live. Discover now