forty five

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it had been 3 days since noah sent samantha the pictures of sophia and finn. she was a mess. finn tried coming but she lied and said she was sick. winona begged for a day off to take care of her daughter.

the whole cast was worried. the only one who knew was her mom. they messaged her and all she said was she didn't feel good.

which was true. she was so confused. she didn't want to believe but they look so real. could it be that finn was really lying to samantha? they were so in love, why would he do this?

she knew sophia was after her which made her think it was fake too. but noah said finn sent it to him. the only think left to do was talk to finn face to face.

she texted finn to come over which lead him to come as quick as he could. they missed each other so much that they felt a part of them was breaking off.

samantha got more nervous, hoping that finn would say it's all fake. she saw his mom's car pull up and a happy finn came out. he had strawberries and flowers in his hand. samantha's heart raced.

winona let finn in, trying to keep her calm and not go off on him. finn entered samantha's room and saw it messier than ever. this wasn't like her. she was basically a neat freak.

"hey babe."he smiled and going in for a hug. she shook her head.

"finn, i have to show you something." samantha started. finn was now confused as ever. this wasn't samantha. she would've been jumping around, sick or not. where was his girlfriend at?

she began telling him everything and finn soon connected the text he got last week. it was sophia.

"and the worst part is that you lied." samantha said with teary eyes. finn was going to say something but go interrupted by her again."don't you dare say you're not bevause i have proof wolfhard."

"samantha, baby please you have to believe me! i go-"

"stop lying!"she yelled. finn flinched. she threw her phone at him and his heart dropped. he stared at the 3 pictures in disbelief. he knew this was sofia's work.

"this are fake."he mumbled. samantha couldn't believe him right now. the boy she loves is lying straight to her face when all she wants to do is give him kisses and hugs.

"who sent them to you? sophia?" finn cried. he didn't care about crying in front of samantha. he loves her.

she crossed her arms."don't worry about it but the person who sent it to me."she pointed at him.

finn was in shock. he had to show samantha the message. this was all a set up. he knew it.

"i don't have anything towards sophia. i promised you! i have proof that i didn't send anything and a text i received last week." he explained.

samantha knew this was all bullshit. she felt stupid for falling for him. this was exactly why she never had a boyfriend before him. she didn't trust boys.

finn was shaking, praying the messages would still be there. to make it even worst, they weren't. his eyes widened. someone went through his phone and deleted it. samantha waited.

"i-there was-baby i promised someone  sent me a texted me saying to stay away from you or else i'd get here and that's what's exactly happening!"finn stuttered with his words.

she shook her head. she couldn't believe he would continue this.

"no finn. you're a liar and i don't date liars. we're over and im not sorry about it. just go with sophia, she's waiting for you."samantha snapped. finn's heart broke into a million pieces. he stared at her in disbelief. this was all a joke. all a joke...

"baby you don't mean that. come on i love you and you love me. we're meant to be." he cried trying to hug her. she pushed him.

"don't call me baby. that's what my ex called me."samantha gulped. this was really happening. they were really breaking up.

finn didn't want to test her anymore. he knew she would explode and he didn't like when she did.

"im going to give you space for a couple of days. we're still together. baby, i promise we'll get through this."he said, wiping his tears away.

samantha shook her head."no wolfhard. don't talk to me anymore. we're nothing."

finn nodded but knew they were still together and they'll get through it. samantha was a brat. she would get over it and he knew that. he still loves her.

"i love you samantha ryder rose."he whispered before walking out. samantha was so close to saying it back but she put her hand over her mouth with tear streaming down.

when she heard the front door slam, her cried boomed through her room. she couldn't stop crying. winona came in and let her cry in her arms.

samantha's head was pounding from so much crying. all she wanted was finn. finn. finn. finn.

how could he do this to her? she thought he loved her?

but what she didn't know that it was all a set up...

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
my heart hurts

mr.brightside; wolfhardWhere stories live. Discover now