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Barry walked into the cortex the next morning where he met Cisco who was sitting at his desk checking satellites.
(Cisco in italics Barry in bold)
Walk of shame!
You're in the same clothes that you wore last night before the date so I'm guessing it went well?
Yeah it did we really hit it off and ended up winning the jitters table quiz and went home to celebrate
So it's a thing?
I think so, I mean she's really nice and all but we haven't known each other that long.
(Caitlin is underlined)
Caitlin enters
But do you want it to be a thing?
Of course, I do I mean she's a genius and funny and I think she is beautiful.
Well great and onto the bad news there is no sign of violet velocity and nothing came of the hair sample most of the readings picked up your dna from holding it.
But I had the suit on so how did that happen?
You must have taken the suit off or have touched it with a part of the glove your dna was already on.
But I'm a csi there's no way I'd do that!
Doesn't matter Barry also there's no cellular dead zone around her or the hair so she's from our Earth, anyway the lead is dead so we've got a problem.
Any ideas?
Could we ask Harry?
It's better than nothing while I'm at it I can go check up on Wally and Jesse
(In my version Wally went to Earth 2 with Jesse and had speed from the explosion to get Barry's speed back)
Ok see you later
Wanna be breached there or run?
I'll run it doesn't matter to me. I need to think anyway.
Ok see you
Barry turns and goes to the particle accelerator where he begins to run and build up speed until he turns and goes through the breach.
* Barry's perspective*
Who is this Violet Velocity and will we ever be able to stop her? Why is she so fast? And why did she say I'll know her soon? And why does she remind me of something? Is she friend or foe?
*left perspective*
Barry runs out of the end of the breach and into STAR labs of Earth 2 and finds no-one there.
Then Barry figures they are probably just out and thinks he'll wait and he waits and then gets bored and decides he'll go visit the Earth 2 version of him and Iris.
Barry Barry/Earth2 Iris
Hey Barry! Jesus! A little warning next time?
Yes hello me!
Hey, guys and I'm sorry I came to visit Harry and Jesse but thought I'd stop by and say hello. So how're things? Anything exciting?
I'll be back in a second sorry.
Iris leaves the room
Iris has to work a little bit less now that there are two speedsters helping the cops rather than one fighting them. So we've had more time for family and each other.
That's great!
Iris walks back into the room with a child in her arms.
Meet Nora Caitlin Allen!
Oh, my god, this is wonderful! She's beautiful, I'll take a picture to show Caitlin Cisco and my Iris!
She's in perfect health and growing up in the safest city in the universe with two speedsters!
Do Jesse and Wally know?
Yes, and they've been very helpful! Wally gets on great with children!
She loves playing with Wally!
Speaking of Wally you wouldn't happen to know where I could see him today, would you?
Oh, he probably at the cafe he meets Jesse there every week!
Thanks, I'll have to come visit again sometime
And with that Barry sped out of the house and to the cafe where he saw Jesse eating and Wally talking to Harry and he walked over to the boys
Harry Barry Wally
Of course, you have my blessing, oh Jesus Barry hello what's going on?
It can wait to to to to to to go on Wally!
Thanks, Barry look at this.
Wally pulls out a velvet box and shows the diamond ring.
Does Iris know?
Yeah I visited her yesterday
Well don't waste time
I've got a whole night planned before I ask
Good luck! Just do me a favour and meet me in STAR labs tomorrow so we can talk and make the honeymoon to Earth 1 haha, You too Harry
Ok Barry thanks
Wally walks over and starts talking to Jesse
That was about ... me getting a job at STAR labs cause I'm going to be here a while, haha
I'll be there tomorrow Barry.
Thanks, Harry see you then I guess.
And with that Barry sped out of the cafe and ran home and told the team all about his visit and then went home and slept but he still thought about the questions he had about Violet Velocity. Who was she?
Thanks for reading
825 words
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Lightning Doesn't Strike Twice (Barry x OC, Olicity , Wally x Jesse)Where stories live. Discover now