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Cisco "Guys I've got to tell you both something..."
Barry "It's ok if he or she is a meta I can't think of a better place for them to learn her or his powers."
Cisco "Yeah They are metas, specifically I have traces of the speed force in him and her just like Jesse's kids"
Barry "Him and Her?"
Cisco "Yeah twins ... one of each gender!"
Violette "Do you think...?"
Barry "That... that is Velocity and Reverse Kid Flash ..?"
Cisco "I said this earlier that no-one could go all Kylo Ren on you two! I believe that it can't be them."
Barry "We will treat them the same no matter what."
Violette "Thank you.."
Cisco goes back to his monitors as Barry and Violette kiss and then leave to go home

Timeskip 2 days in Barry and Violette's home

Violette "We are going to be late!!!"
Barry "And who will be surprised?"
Violette "But I promised Felicity we wouldn't be late!"
Barry "Oliver won't care he's used to me being late!"
Violette "We all are!"
Barry "haha!I'm ready if you are!"
Violette "I've been ready for the past 10 minutes just let me get my hat on so you don't ruin my hair! Sometimes Cisco is a genius !"
Cisco (from the comms in the suit) "I'm always a genius ... I'll turn this off now ... bye, have fun!"
Violette "Haha let's go!"

Barry picked up Violette bridal style and ran all the way to star city and changed back into a suit with his flash costume going back into the ring. They see Oliver, Felicity and their (3-year-old) son John standing outside the restaurant waiting for them.

John "ZOOM"
Barry "Haha yea."
Felicity "Sorry Violette but we couldn't find a sitter"
Violette "Barry doesn't seem to care!"

The women turn round to see Barry using his powers to entertain John.
Oliver "Barry if you even accidentally hurt John I will personally kill you!"
John "Don't be meanie!"
Barry "Yea Oliver don't be a meanie!"
Felicity and Violette "Hahahaa"
Oliver "Let's take our seats!"

They enter the restaurant and take their seats then order.

Barry "What are you playing with there?"
John "Flash, ZOOM!"
John has his flash action figure and makes him run 'superfast' around the table.
Oliver "I got you a new toy!"
John "Oooh"
Oliver "It's the arrow figure!"
John "Yay!"
Oliver smiles as John takes the figure and starts playing with flash and arrow at the same time until he realises he is getting Flash to beat up Arrow.
Oliver "Hey John,"
John "Yep?"
Oliver "Arrow is a good guy, anyway, he'd be able to beat the Flash easily."
John "but Flash can ZOOM!"
Barry "Yeah I think Flash can win as well."
Oliver stares at Barry.
Barry "But Arrow is a good guy, he's like a sidekick."
Oliver stares even more intensely.
Barry "just kidding he isn't a sidekick, they are in two different cities."
John "but now I have no bad guys..."
John looks slightly upset and goes back to playing when Barry flashes off and comes back milliseconds later..
Barry "Would Captain Cold do?"
John "He's cool."
Barry "Well here you go and I've got you his friend Heatwave and Arrow's friend Arsenal."
John "YAY tanks Barry! You're my favwite uncle!"
Barry "Haha thanks!"
Oliver "Haha"
Felicity "Barry loves kids doesn't he!"
Violette "Of course he does, he is going to be the best father."
Felicity "I mean Oliver is doing a good enough job!"
Violette "Haha!"
Oliver "You know I know the Flash...?"
John "Yea iss Barry!"
Barry "What?!?"
John "You ZOOM like him!"
Barry "Well maybe I'm a bad speedster?"
John "No u nice... umm ... You give me Captain Cold."
Barry "Ok you've got me but you can't tell anyone not even your friends...."
John "Why not ..?"
Barry "Cause then I can't be Flash anymore."
John "Ok den! Dad don't tell anyone ..."
Everyone laughs then the food arrives and everyone eats. Then John turns to Barry.
John "Is my dad your sidekick?"
Barry "No"
John "So is he bow man?"
Barry "Bow man?"
John "bow and arrow man!"
Oliver "Yes... I am but you can't tell anyone that either .... how did you know?"
John "Barry no tell either, and I'm smart."
Barry " I won't tell and you are very smart."
John "Like Mommy!"
Oliver "Have you been paid to say all this ?!?"
John "I have no money."
Felicity "No he just knows I'm the smart one and Barry is the nice one..."
Everyone laughs and Oliver and Barry pay the bill and everyone goes back to Felicity and Oliver's house where Oliver shows Barry and Violette where they will be sleeping.
John "Good nite!"
Barry and Violette "Goodnight John!"
Oliver leaves and puts John to bed for the night and then comes back and they all talk and Barry explains about VV RKF and everything
Oliver "If there is anything I can do to help I will you know that ..."
Barry "I know thanks and sorry John knows "now."
Oliver "Better now when he is young than later when he is older and can leave..."
Felicity "It's funny how he didn't really care and found out himself."
Oliver "He's just as smart as you..."
Felicity "Haha!"
Oliver and Felicity talk for another hour before going to bed and saying goodnight
Barry "He was right that Flash would win in a fight!"
Oliver "Want me to shoot you in the back again, Barry?"
Barry "Good night !"
Oliver "Haha"
Barry and Violette spent the night there and in the morning Violette and Felicity talked about computers and stuff while Barry and Oliver played with John and his action figures until it was time for Barry and Violette to go back to Central City.
Barry "Who's your favourite bad guy and I'll get you him?"
John "I think Deathstroke is cool..."
Barry zips out
John "ZOOM!"
Barry returns with a DeathStroke action figure and gives it to John...
John "Tanks Barry!"
Oliver "Yea thanks Barry!"
Then Barry takes Violette back to Central City

1011 Words
Longest chapter yet, Jesus. It was just so fun to write so I just kept writing but I really should be revising for my exams so sorry if I slow down after this. And remember to comment your ideas and names for the kids and I think the next chapter will be the wedding of Barry and Violette. Also there probably will be more about John and he might be part of VV or RKF's backstory but I'm not sure yet on that part. Also anyone got any good ship names for Barry and Violette. Thanks.

Lightning Doesn't Strike Twice (Barry x OC, Olicity , Wally x Jesse)Where stories live. Discover now