Violette's Discovery

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6 months later Barry arrives at Violette's house and finds no one there then the phone starts ringing and he answers it
??? Barry
Hello, Barry, it's been a while, still running?
Yes, Barry, I see you've got close to this girl but I've got to get a favour off you don't worry I won't hurt her unless you hurt me or sister.
Barry flashes into the suit explain the situation to Cisco as he runs to the location Snart gives him
Tell Lisa I'm here
Barry arrives at the location with Leonard and Lisa standing waiting for him
Hey Lisa Cisco says hello it's been a while
Lisa laughs and says I'll see you later
Back to business Barry, I need something, I need you to do.
What is it snart and when do you let my girlfriend go
Whenever you get me back Mick!
Mick is gone? Who took him?
Some Gotham villain who thinks he's the coldest and wants to prove it to me but I know the Batman will arrest Mick too and I can't let that happen cause we are going clean so go get him for me would you?
This is you going clean?
Barry runs off and gets Mick and puts him back and Snart hands over Violette and Barry runs home with Violette. Barry takes off the Flash suit.
Violette Barry
I'm sorry about today. Are you alright?
I'm fine Barr he was actually very nice, for a villain I mean but the real thing was .. you're the FLASH?!?
Yeah I'm sorry I couldn't tell you so things like this didn't happen by they did so I had to say it and I'm sorry
But then why are you ALWAYS Late?!?
280 words
Sorry for the short story it's just to show how Violette knows

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