Before the storm

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Eobard "Hello Flash..."
Mick "Where is the food?"
Barry "We've got you! You are hopelessly outnumbered!"
Eobard "Really? I thought I would pick up some old friends of everyone's from the timeline?"
And behind Thawne our walks Malcolm Merlyn, Hunter Zolomon, Vandal Savage, Deathstroke, Damien Dahrk, Prometheus and behind them an army of Earth-X Nazis.
Eobard "I would have brought some your friends Supergirl but, interdimensional travel is quite tiring. So who is outnumbered now, Flash? Check your math."
At that moment the Time Bureau appears behind the Flash with Rip Hunter at the front.
Rip "I saw the massive rate of anomalies and assumed you would be involved, Sara."
Sara "Sorry Captain But trouble comes to me!"
Constantine "At least no one does magic."
Oliver "Darhk"
Constantine "I guess he is my responsibility then?"
Barry "Yeah, Wally, Jesse take Zoom."
Oliver "Thea, Dig. Take merlyn."
Thea "Gladly."
Sara "Hey Mick."
Mick "What?"
Sara "Go burn some Nazis."
Mick "I hate Nazis."
Sara "Ray, Nate help me with Savage."
Oliver "I've got Prometheus. John, help Mick. Dinah, Alex can you guys take down Deathstroke?"
Alex "I've fought aliens I can do it."
Barry "Everyone else gets yourself some Nazis."
Eobard "Nicely Organised But you can hardly defeat me with two kids."
Kara "And a Kryptonian."
Eobard "But you won't catch me so I'm ignoring you."
Kara "I'm faster than you think."
Rip "And my bureau will put them back to their time once there is an opportunity."
Eobard "Then we don't give you an opportunity."
And the Nazis charged and Zoom ran straight at Jesse as Thawne left the fight and laughed from the roof before Barry, Victoria, Liberty and Kara gave chase. The fighting was brutal and Nazis burned alive but mick seemed to be having fun. But it still didn't seem to work as he burned through their ranks more and more seemed to appear and it seemed like he wasn't making a dent until some on the other side began to freeze and the Nazis got pushed back and when Mick looked over he saw Snart.
Rip "Found him at the end of time just frozen in place in the debris field of the time masters home."
Mick "Thank you Rip."
Over with Deathstroke Dinah and Alex were heavily underpowered against this mirakuru infused soldier. Vandal Savage was shooting away at Nate but to no avail only to be stabbed in the back by Sara and blasted away by Ray. A time bureau agent sent him home as he recovered.
Sara "Gary?"
Gary "You remember me?"
Sara "Of course, good job!"
Gary "Thanks."
Ray and Nate went off to help their fellow legends against the Nazis as Sara went and helped against Deathstroke. Oliver and Prometheus were in one on one combat, punching and blocking and dodging. But neither could gain an advantage.
Prometheus "You know I don't really understand this time-travel but when Mr Thawne gave me another crack at you I couldn't refuse."
Oliver "You're mad."
Prometheus "I know."
As Wally caught up to Jesse and Zoom in the streets of Central City he saw Zoom's time remnant peel of and surround Jesse. He ran faster than he thought he could and knocked Zoom over who went flying back into the wall of star labs at Mach 73. When his remnant came over to check on him he fell into the opening portal of Rip's Time Bureau portal. Wally checked on Jesse then ran over and helped in the fight. Over with Merlyn, he was effortlessly evading and dodging the attacks of both Thea and Dig.
Malcolm "I trained you to fight Thea, I know your every move!"
Thea "Ollie taught me a lot more than you did!"
Malcolm "How can you choose him over me? I am your father!"
Thea "And he is my brother so stop making me choose and I will stop choosing him."
Malcolm "When was the last time you saw me?"
Thea "What?"
Malcolm "It's obvious Thawne got people you all have defeated over the years in the hope that they can collectively defeat Team Arrow, The Legends and Supergirl. So when did I die?"
Thea "You died saving me."
Malcolm "Then I did my duty. I have no need to cause any trouble."
Thea "Wait."
Malcolm "What?"
Thea "don't just leave without a goodbye again."
Malcolm "Goodbye, Thea."
Thea "Goodbye ... dad."
And with that Malcolm lets Gary send him back and Thea and Dig rush over to help Oliver.
Prometheus "You'll never defeat your greatest enemy."
Oliver "I've defeated you before."
Prometheus "Don't flatter me. YOU are your greatest enemy! You cause danger to everyone you know and care for. And that is why you will never truly win."
Thea "Shut the hell up."
And on a grapple arrow, Thea zips in and kicks Prometheus in the face, giving Oliver the advantage he needed. Oliver takes that advantage and presses it to victory knocking out Prometheus and he is sent back by Time Bureau agents. Over with Deathstroke, Sara and Alex they are fighting beside an unconscious Dinah after being knocked out. Then Slade goes for a killing blow and Cisco breaches Dinah back to the medbay beside Iris.
Slade "It's been a while, Sara."
Sara "I was left to die."
Slade "I was attempted murder so don't go that road with me."
Alex "Well I don't care."
Sara had been distracting Slade long enough so Alex had got her powered gloves from Winn on and she punched Slade across the face, cracking his mask.
Slade "A strong fighter I'm surprised."
And then the two women punched him and Sara then tripped him and the final punch from the powered gloves took him out for the Time Bureau to fix him. Over with Constantine and Darhk, you couldn't see anything due to the flashes of light from the incantations and around them we see the last of the Nazi soldiers being round up and sent home by the Time Bureau as Sara threw a knife through the spells straight into Darhk's back, giving Constantine the time he needed to incapacitate and capture Darhk to hand him over to the Bureau. Everyone looked to the roof and watched, what to them looked like a purple, yellow and red lights show. But from up there it was an all out brawl. Barry and Victoria were pounding hits into Eobard but he was hitting back just as hard and it seemed like an endless fight until Thawne stopped. Barry turned round to see Thawne take off his mask and laugh.
Thawne "Haha, wow I didn't think you'd be able to do it but family can do anything right? You'd die for your family right, Flash? What if I did this?"
Thawne runs to the cortex and picks up Felicity.
Thawne "She's not family but would you give your life to save hers, Flash?"
And before Barry can reply an arrow thuds into Thawne's Reverse Flash crest, then another and a final one as he falls of the edge of the STAR labs roof and lands on a car as Barry zooms over and catches Felicity and runs her to the ground beside Oliver.
Oliver "No!"
Barry "What happened?"
John "I did. He had my mother. I wasn't letting anyone die because of him. So I put an arrow in his heart or three."
Oliver "We don't kill!"
John "You said in 2040 that you would even make an exception for him! All he does is ruin Barry's life and now he can't ruin Vivi's in the future! Because that's where he was going next! TO MY WEDDING..."
And with a gasp Thawne seemingly rises from the dead and before anyone can react he smiles then Harry turns around and fires the speed gun full blast into Thawne who gasps and collapses as Caitlin runs over.
Caitlin "He's still breathing, barely."
And without a millisecond after hearing that Barry had transported Thawne to the pipeline. He could hear the cheers outside and laughed to himself.
Three hours later
Victoria "See you in a couple months at our wedding."
John "Yes please come it would mean everything to her."
Barry "Of course."
Victoria "Thank you!"
Barry "Well until then."
Barry hands Victoria a small lightning symbol on a necklace.
Barry "I'm with you through that."looks at Violette "we both are, always."
Victoria hugs him with tears in her eyes then jumps back to 2040 through the portal waving goodbye as it closes.

Lightning Doesn't Strike Twice (Barry x OC, Olicity , Wally x Jesse)Where stories live. Discover now