I open my eyes slowly and what i could see is nothing. Its dark. Where am i? I dont know where. I tried to remember what happen and when i tried to touch my head which is hurt in sudden, i groan in frust as my both hand had been tied by someone from behind.
I sighed and look around. BLACK. Thats what i only can see. I feel uneasy and scream for help. "Help! Is someone else here?"i scream in loud. Hope that other people would hear me here. I heard someone groan in pain beside me. The voice sound familiar. Wait wasnt it....Jimin?!
I look beside me as i heard the groan came from my side. "Hey jimin. Is that you?" I said in half whisper. "Yeah its me. You awake? Are you okey Y/N?"said Jimin in worried tone. I sighed and say "hopefully i am okey. I guess so. My head hurt so much." "You dont remember what happen arent you?"said Jimin.
I sighed heavily and then the light turn on. I squeezed my eyes as the light hit my eyes sharply making me close my eyes quickly. I open my eyes slowly tried to get my normal vision. "So, awake already Miss Y/N?"said the guy that stand infront me. Im not looking at him but just listen to his voice, i know its Mr Park's voice.
I lift my head up and saw mr Park smile in satisfied infront me. Looking at him making me remember what actually happen before jimin and i got here. He smack me with something. I dont know what thing he use. I look at Jimin who sit on the floor while his hand had been tied at his left and right.
Poor him. Seeing a lot bruise on his face making me want to spit out my saliva at his fathet jerk face. How can he do that at his own child. He shouldnt do that.
"stop looking at my son miss. He deserve that because he been fucking stab me from behind. I thought he will hook up with you but i was wrong. He choose that young lady name Haesun."Said mr park then sit infront me. I rolled my eyes and look at him. "Why? You want my gold arent you?"i said in challenge voice.
He smile and grab my hair harshly making my face near his face. He look from my hair until my chest. Then my eyes. "I want you to know something young lady. You are hot to me but seeing your face making me want to destroy you and brother for real."He said. He smirk and push my head harshly.
"Me too. You not that handsome but you are fucking old man with many wrinkle on you freaking face"i said in mad. He glare at me and slap my face hard. I spit out my bloody saliva on his face making him flinch quickly. He smile and take out his tissue from his pocket then wipe his face.
"You are such a bad ass young lady. I dont really know that Miss Kim Y/N is a brave girl. I thought you are a coward girl. Nerdy girl. Where is the old you?"said him while stare deeply at my eyes. I smile and laugh a bit. Trying to be bad as he said. "She is dead. Four years ago. I buried her with her parents last four years ago. Why? Missing her?"i said while smiling.
He smirk and say "i do. But its okey, the new one is more better than the old one. I hate the old one." I rolled my eyes and say "me either. Thats why i buried her. Heh. Lets change the topic here. Why are you bringing me here with jimin? Is my gold more important than your own pride?" I smirk widely to tease him.
He smirk back and say "oh. I get it now. For your information young lady, he is not my real son. He is just a dumb boy i get from the trash when he was 7. He should feel lucky because my late wife love him to be our child. But seeing him stab me from behind, i dont think so i could call that as my child."
I wided my eyes in shock and look at Jimin. He glare at mr park and say "again dad! How could you say that again?! Im not your adopted son but your own son. I stab you because you are cheating behind mom that night?!" Mr Park smile and stood up kicking jimin's gut.
Jimin groan in pain. A father kick his own child and say a hurtful word infront his child. Thats rude and freaking crazy. I then saw a gun at Mr Park pocket. I smile and pop an idea out from my mind. "Mr Park. Could you mine if you get me some water?"i said. He look at me and left the room.
I tried to release myself and boom. I made it. I look at Jimin who shock by my action. I smile and say "what? I learn it when i stury oversea." I stood up and take out my phone from my purse that had been left by mr park without he notice.
I quickly dialed jungkook's number and call him. I wait and wait then he answer it. "Y/N? Is that you dear?"said Jungkook in worry. I sighed and say "yes its me. Jungkook where are you?" "Im in the store where you and jimin been locked up."said Jungkook in half whisper. I wided my eyes and say "hah?! really? Who are you with?"
"The police for goodness."said him.
I sighed in relief. Wait. My friends?! "Errr how about the others? Did you find them? My friends?"i said in panic. "Dont worry. We found them already. They are fine."said jungkook. I smile and look at Jimin who finally release himself and smile at me weakly.
"Jungkook i-"i was cut off by the sound of someone open the door harshly. I froze saw Mr Park with two glass of water at his both hand. He throw the glass on the ground and took out his gun. He point it at me. I was panic and couldnt answer what jungkook ask me.
"Hello y/n? Are you there? Hello?"said jungkook
"Jungkook. Hurry up. He is here with gun on his hand pointing at me."i said while look at him.
"PUT THE PHONE DOWN!"yell mr park making me startled and my phone fall down from my hand. "You bitch girl---!"yell mr park while walk toward me and he is ready to shot me.
Jimin quickly stand infront me and then, a shock scene air at my sight.

Hayran KurguY/N is a girl who lived happily with her family. She also a nerd and doesnt like girl stuff such as makeup, lipstick and more. Until she changes because of ONE REASON and ONE MISSION. READ VOTE AND COMMENT. AN : this is my first jungkook ff. This st...