𝐢𝐢. 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧

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𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐠𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐝𝐨𝐦

Hermione gulped as she entered the room she and Ginny shared. What was I thinking?! The brunette thought, internally scolding herself. Her gaze fell on Ginny, who was busy packing her textbooks. Hermione tightly grabbed her luggage, quickly leaving the room before she could tackle the redhead. She walked downstairs, her luggage dragging behind her with each step. As Hermione entered the kitchen, her focus fell onto Harry, who had just woken up.

Blushing, Hermione tore her eyes away from Harry, taking a seat in the farthest chair from him. However, as she ate her breakfast, she couldn't help but sneak a few glances at her best friend.

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The Weasleys, Harry, and Hermione piled into the Ford Anglia. The ride was completely silent, as Harry refused to talk to Ginny; more less even look at her. He, instead, sat beside Hermione, who seemed to be acting odd to him as well.

At the moment, the brunette's back was facing Harry, for her attention was directed out the window, watching the cars that drove past. Harry's thoughts, however, were swarmed with his best friend, and he wished that she'd simply turn around. His green eyes remained fastened to the back of her head, observing how each of her curls spiraled in a certain way.

They finally arrived at Kings Cross, which both Harry and Hermione were extremely thankful for. They hopped out, grabbing their bags, and turning to meet Ron.

The red-headed boy smiled at the duo as the approached him. "Look, I know what happened with Ginny...she told me this morning. But that shouldn't change anything between us, right?"

Harry slightly nodded, offering a small smile to his best friend. Together, the three of them entered the crowded train station, following behind the rest of the Weasleys. Hermione started a brief argument with Ron about their summer homework, while Harry drifted off into thought.

Would things be the same with the Weasleys again? Harry shrugged, his gaze turning towards the brunette standing beside him. It honestly didn't matter to him, because all he really needed was Hermione anyway. He heard the light and airy sound of her sarcastic laughter, which instantly pulled a smile onto his face.

"What's the problem this time?" Harry snickered, watching his two friends glare at each other.

"Ronald, here, thought it would be a good idea to procrastinate on all the summer homework, and then proceed to copy off mine!" Hermione scoffed, whipping around towards Harry.

Harry rolled his eyes, slinging his arm around her shoulders in an attempt to calm her. However, she only became extremely flustered, making a weak excuse to leave the boys. He painfully watched her walk over to Mrs. Weasley, wondering what he did wrong.

Harry frowned, watching as Hermione came back and stood on the other side of Ron. Did she like him? He thought, obliviously rolling his eyes at the two of them. After stumbling through the crowds, they reached the wall between platforms nine and ten and swiftly entered. Harry and Hermione quickly said goodbye to Mrs. and Mr. Weasley, before boarding the train.

"Harry-" Hermione mumbled, turning the boy's attention towards her.

"Yeah?" He replied, a slight smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

"I'm sitting with Luna today...if that's alright with you." She bit her lip, afraid of what he was going to say.

"Oh-" Harry sighed, his face sinking upon hearing her words. "Y-Yeah, that's fine."

"Thanks..." She started, beaming up at him. "Uh- I'll see you later, I guess."

Harry grumbled, turning away from her and heading to the compartment that Ron had saved for them. What was up with her today? Sighing, he entered the compartment, sitting down opposite of Ron. His eyes fell to the empty seat directly beside him, where Hermione would normally curl up, reading a book; or perhaps, she'd fall asleep on his shoulder.

"Harry, you seem a bit out of it, is something bothering you?" Ron asked; his tone of voice was laced with concern.

"I just need a little fresh air..." Harry smiled, dropping a few coins in Ron's hand. "Can you get me something if I'm not back by then?"

Ron nodded, watching as Harry briskly left the compartment. The green-eyed boy traveled to the back of the train, hoping to find somewhere where he could be in his thoughts. However, his attention was drawn towards Malfoy as he heard him loudly snickering. Curiosity captured Harry's attention, as he turned towards the Slytherin, quickly approaching him.

"Filthy Mudblood!" Draco spat, pulling Harry's gaze onto the brunette that stood beside him.

"Don't call her that!!" Harry yelled, stepping in between the two of them, which Hermione was grateful for.

"Oh, look if it isn't Potter?" Draco sneered, rolling his eyes. "Moving on already, are we? I mean- I thought you'd be more upset to hear that your girlfriend got an upgrade!" He pointed towards Blaise beside him, a sly smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

"Shut up!" Harry's fist clenched, turning a slightly paler color than usual. Hermione, who noticed this, rested her hand softly on top of his, hoping to calm him. However, this only made Harry go completely insane on the inside.

"Why should I? I thought you were over Weasley a second ago? Now I'm not sure if that's exactly the case..." Draco smirked.

"I'm over Ginny-" Harry pressed, turning to look at the curly-headed girl standing beside him, a smile growing on his face for a brief second. His attention fell into Blaise, who stood quietly beside Draco. "—Trust me, you can keep her. But let me warn you, she might go after Malfoy next."

Upon hearing this, Blaise's face turned blood red, only fueling Harry's laughter.

"Come on, Harry..." Hermione muttered, searching for his eyes. "We should, uh, go back before we get in trouble."

Harry nodded, frowning at her odd behavior. He sighed, grabbing her arm gingerly as they walked back to the compartment. Suddenly, Hermione stopped, much to Harry's confusion.

"Hermione—?" Harry questioned, causing her to gulp.

"Uh- remember I was sitting in Luna's compartment..." Hermione murmured, looking down at her feet, for she was scared to see his reaction.

"Oh, right."

"I'll see you at the feast-" Hermione begun, opening the compartment door to enter, when she hesitantly froze. "Oh, and Harry?"


"Thank you..." With that, Hermione entered the compartment, leaving Harry standing outside, a giant smile glued to his face.

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