𝐱𝐯𝐢. 𝐟𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐧

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𝐛𝐞𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬

Hermione let out the loudest shriek, wrapping her arms tightly around Harry's waist and resting her face softly against his back. Her stomach fluttered as the creatures dived down, clenching her eyes shut again. Why did she agree to this—? Hermione knew damn well that her boyfriend wasn't exactly the safest when it came to flying.

"Shh—!" Harry hissed, blissfully chuckling at the brunette. "You'll be fine! We're just flying."


"Oh come on, it isn't that bad!" Harry exclaimed, letting go of the Thestral and allowing his arms to rest against his thigh.

The brunette hesitantly opened her eyes, peering up at the green-eyed boy. He was just something else; Hermione thought, breathlessly giggling; and she loved him for that.

"Hermione?" She looked up at this, snapping out of her prolonged thought.

"Mhm?" Hermione answered, her voice coming out as a faint echo muffled by the wind. 

"Just look..." Harry murmured, motioning down towards the world beneath them.

"Woah—" she mumbled in awe, and for a moment, all her fear seemed to evaporate.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" He continued, his eyes sharply glued to the setting below.

Hermione's gaze drifted up towards Harry for a minute longer. Her eyes fell onto his penetrating gaze, observing the way he gazed down at nature, so much adoration and wonder in his eyes. She watched as he absent-mindedly chewed on his bottom lip, concentrating. Lastly, her eyes trailed up to his forehead, watching in curiosity as it creased from time to time, thin lines forming.

Hermione grinned, murmuring a breathy agreement to Harry's words. Softly, she rested her head against his back once more; although, this time it wasn't because she was overwhelmed with fear. The couple remained in silence the rest of the flight, allowing the nighttime breeze to blow past them, ruffling their hair and sending goosebumps to their skin.

A few more minutes had passed before Harry saw a myriad of twinkling lights from down below. He beamed at the view, but the feeling of euphoria faltered after he remembered why they were here; Sirius. The raven-haired boy could only hopelessly wish his godfather was still alive, and knowing that it might be too late, made Harry sick to his stomach.

Ron and Luna's Thestrals dived first, the other two following in quick pursuit. Surprisingly, Hermione managed to contain her ear-wrenching scream, for a part of her knew that Harry needed silence, he needed to concentrate. She placed a feathery kiss against his neck, her cold lips sending shivers to his warm skin. He hummed in contentment, placing his hand on the arms she had wrapped around his waist. No words were exchanged between both of them, their silence and gestures speaking loud enough.

Hermione's attention drifted towards the city below them, watching as it steadily got closer. Within a few moments, the three Thestrals had successfully landed in front of an old phone booth. The curly-headed girl doubted that it still worked, for the chipping paint and rusted dial had made her uneasy. Harry cleared his throat, stepping off the creature and offering Hermione his hand.

"Never again..." Ron shakily said, instantly jumping off the Thestral.

Luna, who was at his side, looked worried, her eyebrows furrowing. "Do you feel sick, Ronald?" Her airy voice floated through the air like a melody, causing the redheaded boy to grin.

Harry tuned out the rest of their conversation, turning towards the brunette who was gingerly laced to his arm. "Feel alright, Mione?"

"Just a headache, but I'll be fine." She shrugged, rubbing her head, and sending him a reassuring smile.

"Good—" he whispered, brushing his lips over her temple, soothing the pain.

"What now, Harry?" Ginny asked, appearing beside Neville as she leaped off the creature. She roughly pushed her wispy fringe away from the sides of her face.

"This way," Harry deadpanned, leading them to the small telephone booth, and motioning for everyone to cram inside.

The four Gryffindors shared a befuddled expression but followed Harry's instructions. Luna, however, seemed unfazed; almost like it was utterly normal to have six teenagers trapped in a telephone booth. Hermione watched in curiosity as the green-eyed boy began dialing numbers, her face scrunching up in confusion.

The telephone booth shook, and the brunette felt a sinking feeling in her legs. It was almost as if they were going down--? But that wasn't possible; they were in a telephone booth for Merlin's sake. The feeling endured for a little while longer, before sharply stopping. The telephone booth shook once more, this time, much greater than the last. The door swung open, Harry and the others reluctantly fanning out.

"Wands at the ready..." Ginny said, fumbling around in her jean pocket for her wand. The others nodded, tightening their grip around the wands fastened in their hands.

"All right, come on—" Harry continued, his hands clenching at his side.

The brunette could see the anxiousness etched onto his face, although, she knew he was trying his best to conceal it. She followed him past the golden fountain, wincing as she read the sign, 'muggles in their correct place.' Hermione flinched in terror, her eyes scanning over the fear plastered faces of the muggles. Luna, who saw the bushy-haired girl's change in demeanor, quickly appeared by her side.

The blonde didn't say anything, instead offering the brunette a comforting smile. Hermione jerked her eyes away from the fountain, sighing in relief as she saw Luna beside her. They walked in line, the both of them, their eyes trained to the floor.

This wasn't right, Hermione thought, something was off. She shook off the thought, her eyes drifting up to both Weasleys and Neville who had caught up with them.

"Y-You both alright?" Neville asked, his voice quivering as he frantically looked around.

Hermione nodded as the group stopped walking, reaching the lift where Harry was waiting for them. The students clambered in, each attempting to ease their own nerves as the lift began its descent. Finally, after what felt like a few, torturous hours, the lift came to a sudden halt, the doors snapping open.

"The Department of Mysteries..." A female voice announced, startling them.

Harry led the others out of the lift, and into the abandoned department. The curly-headed girl gulped; this wasn't going to end well, she could just feel it.

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