𝐯. 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐮𝐩𝐬

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𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧, 𝐰𝐚𝐢𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐞

For the next week, Harry had avoided his two friends, only speaking to them when he absolutely needed too. Hermione had grown tired, skipping classes from time to time, which surprised everyone. Her eyes had grown dark bags underneath them, and so had Harry's. Neither of them could sleep, for they couldn't stop thinking about each other.

Hermione sighed, looking up from her homework to see Harry enter the common room. He looked her way, his eyes instantly softening as he realized the state she was in, feeling guilty. Had he really done that to her? Gulping, Harry turned away from the brunette, heading up into the dormitory.

She whimpered upon watching him leave, wearily resting her head in hands. She missed him, so much.

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Harry watched as Hermione entered the Charms classroom, taking a seat on the opposite side of the room beside Ron. He painfully pulled his eyes away from them, returning his focus to his textbooks.

However, as much as he tried, he found himself looking longingly at Hermione again. She turned, instantly meeting his gaze. Both of them noticed how awful the other one was doing, but because of their stubbornness, none of them wanted to make the first move.

Harry sighed, as they continued looking at each other, tuning out the world. Her eyes were glassy, almost like she was going to break down in tears at any given second. He gulped, wishing that he could just pull her into his embrace and comfort her, just like he had always done. He missed her, so much.

★ ★ ★

The days of silence had continued, leaving both of them miserable and exhausted. After dinner, Harry entered the library, searching for the brunette; he had to do something. His green eyes landed on her, but his heart didn't flutter as it did before, it only ached. What if she didn't forgive him? Decided she'd be better off without him?

Gulping, Harry walked over to her, sitting directly behind her on the floor, so that their backs were facing. She still hadn't noticed his presence, which was a relief for him.

"H-Hi..." Harry whispered, his voice cracking slightly.

"Harry?" Hermione flinched; her tone of voice was unreadable, filling him with nervousness.

"It's me-" He rushed out. "—don't go please, just listen to what I have to say."

He was relieved when she leaned against his back, her head falling softly against his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, you don't deserve this. I shouldn't have pushed you away, especially when all you've done was stick by me." Harry stopped speaking, his eyes drifting towards the bookshelves. He wished he was better at communicating things.

Hermione reached her hand towards his, wrapping her fingers in between his; he didn't pull away, but instead, squeezed tighter.

"Hermione-" His voice was softer than a whisper. "—you deserve so much better than this. This last week has been nothing but torture, for me at least. I guess I didn't realize how important you were to me until I couldn't have you."

"Why'd you do it? I was only trying to help you..." Hermione mumbled her tone of voice hardening slightly. "You knew perfectly well that I would never let you go through something alone, but right when I told you that, you pushed me away."

She suddenly sounded miserable, all the anger fading from her voice. "I know you feel like you don't need anyone, but I never thought that you wouldn't need me."

Harry felt her trembling against him and felt a wave of guilt rush over him. He slowly turned around, forcing her to face him. Her eyes were glistening with tears and Harry's heart ached with the knowledge that it wasn't someone else who had put them there, but him. He had made Hermione cry; Harry had never hated himself like he did at that moment.

Harry gathered her within his arms, allowing her to sob into his shoulder. He gingerly fondled her back, letting out a stiff sigh. "I'm so sorry, Hermione..." He mumbled multiple times, resting his face in her soft mound of curls.

She stopped sniffling after a few minutes, causing Harry to feel relief. "Oh, I've made an awful mess of your shirt..." She murmured, slowly moving from his strong grip.

"Stay-" He demanded, tightly pulling her back into his arms. "I want you to listen to me, and remember this well. There are a few people I need in this world, and you are on the top of that list. You will never be second best in my life, Hermione; not now, or ever."

"Harry-" She whispered, wrapping her arms around his neck, and pulling him closer; if that was physically possible. He sighed, relaxing as he rested his head in the crook of her neck, inhaling her scent.

"You'll never be second best for me either..." Hermione smiled, her voice coming out slightly muffled for she was still holding onto Harry. The boy grinned upon hearing this, tightening his grip on her.

He felt as though he owed her the truth, no matter how embarrassed it made him feel. "Hermione, you don't know how miserable this week has been. No matter how many fights we get in, I never want to be separated from you again."

"Me either, Harry..." Hermione muttered, still tightly embracing him. His words made her heart flutter. "Being apart from you, it just—it feels—"

"It feels wrong..." Harry mumbled into her ear, his arms still tightly wrapped around her lower back.

Hermione hummed in agreement, as they pulled apart, smiles resting on their faces. She planted a sweet kiss on his cheek, which made him even happier. Harry stood up, offering Hermione his hand.

"Thanks-" She beamed, standing up with his help. They walked towards the common room, their hands remaining connected the entire way.

Comfortable silence rang over them as they walked through the corridors, their attention directed upon each other. Ron smiled at his friends, spotting their connected hands as they entered the common room.

"Thank Merlin..." He chuckled under his breath, returning his attention to his game of Wizards Chess with Seamus.

Hermione yawned, giggling softly as she wiped her eyes. "Goodnight, Harry-"

"Goodnight, Mione..." He replied, hugging her tightly and planting a kiss to the side of her head. And for the first time in a week, they both slept the entire night.

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