Chapter Eight

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Annie saw the color drained from his face and the grayish tone to his skin stood out

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Annie saw the color drained from his face and the grayish tone to his skin stood out. "How could you Annie?"

She bit her lip as her heart broke for what seemed like the millionth time. "I'm sorry, Andy---I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was pregnant, that I didn't tell you when he was born. I tried..."

He shook his head as if to clear it...or to deny the truth about what she was telling him. Then it hit, the whirlwind of Andy's anger. His eyes darkened, his brows lowered. "Sorry? That's all you have to say? Sorry? Annie, you kept my son away from me."

Annie could have sworn she saw steam came out his ears for a second. She couldn't look at him; she had to look away.

"How could you do this to me?" he repeated, "how could you keep him away from me." His voice shook with fury. "You never trusted me," he pointed out. "Or you would've known that what my mother said to you wasn't the truth."

"Andy, I---" She didn't know what else to say. The evidence had been right in front of her eyes.

He gave her a sharp look that could have melted ice, that shut her up, right away. "And I can't believe my parents. The people who raised me. The people that I love; would send away my pregnant girlfriend, without letting me see her first." He roughly ran his hand through his hair. Annie was afraid he would leave a bald spot.

Andy searched her face, he wanted to hate her, wanted to shout. His emotions drilled through his mind, he didn't know if he should cry, shout or scream. His heart ached for all the special times---milestones he missed of his son---his child. Their baby. "Annie, you could have demanded to see me. How could you believe that? That woman had been a business associate. That night I was planning on coming to see you. But my parents wanted me to do something. It was already too late, so I decided to see you the next morning."

All the while he spoke, he kept his voice steady and quiet. Annie listened to every word he spoke as the truth dawned on her. Oh God, what have I done?

"When I went to your place, it was locked up, like no one ever lived there," he continued. "You left me, Annie; you left." His voice lost all its anger. He sounded drained---weary. "You didn't trust me, he added. "You thought the worse of me."

Her mouth went dry, she couldn't move. He was laying out everything in front of her. His emotions, his thoughts...

"I loved you with my whole heart. I cherished what we had together." His voice cracked.

She was sure his eyes were watery, but she wasn't too certain because her eyes clouded with tears.

How was she going to defend herself? "Y-your mother lied to me?"

"And you believed it!" he raised his voice up a notch.

Although she understood why he was angry, his words still hurt. Annie sucked in a deep breath as she watched Andy, and waited for the explosion. But all he did was blew air from between his clenched teeth and dragged his hand roughly through his hair once more. He wiped a hand down his face and around to rub the nape of his neck. When he looked at her this time, his features were carefully neutral and his voice all business.

"Look, I can't deal with this now, there's food in the kitchen. Help yourself."

His gaze went to Reon who was out cold. He little mouth latched onto his thumb while he suckled. Annie saw a mixture of emotions played across his face: Longing. Anger. Love and betrayal. And then he turned and walked from the room without a backward glance. Seconds later, Annie heard a door slammed. She winced at the noise. Her heart twisted with regret for an instant, then leaped again with panic. She'd forgotten completely about the danger they were in.

She squeezed her eyes tight, she had to focus, she had to make herself to concentrate. What if Andy spite her for keeping his son away from him? What if he let those men kill her so that he wouldn't have to see her face again? Don't be an idiot, Annie, he would never do that!

She wasn't sure about anything anymore, she glanced at the door Andy had slammed only moments ago.

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