Chapter Twenty Six

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Her name plagued his mind throughout the journey to where Gregg's phone signaled his whereabouts. No matter what he did, he couldn't stop thinking about her. The horror of her being hurt and crying out for him slammed into his gut with the speed of a battering ram. It pained his heart when his son's toothy smile flashed in his mind.

Oh, how he missed them-missed them with such ferocity he could hardly take a normal breath. The Fates would not be so cruel to reunite him with his family only to take them away in the blink of an eye. No. Such devastation would never be his to bear. Then why the feeling of hopelessness?

Andy's shoulders slumped and his fingers relaxed its tightened hold on the gun in his lap. Julian had insisted they suit up and load up their weapons. The bulletproof vest weighed heavily on his body, but being uncomfortable was worth it. He was going to find his woman and son; to hell with anyone who dared stand in his way.

The van swerved, and his head slammed against the side. "Shit."

"Motherfucker!" Julian exclaimed. He righted himself and scowled as if he wished he could wrap his hands around the driver's neck.

Andy cast a look at Vane. The man was grumbling under her breath. He shook his head and looked over at Denielo, the young man's hand moved over the keyboard so fast it blurred. With his eyes glued to the screen, he didn't even blink. The veering of the vehicle didn't even unsettle him.

Suddenly the engine sputtered and coughed. Andy grabbed hold of the handle above his head to keep him in one place. The van bounced high and his backside came off the seat. Before a groan could escape his mouth he fell back down hard enough to send shock waves of pain up his waist and hip.

"What the hell was that?" Louie asked. "I think I broke my ass."

"Mine too. My inwards are in knots." A voice croaked.

The van vibrated and jerked them forward. Hands failed and grunts filled the air as the men lost their seating. The van rolled to an abrupt stop yanking them back. A breath swooshed from Andy's lungs when his back connected hard again the vehicle. Christ.

"Get the hell off of me!" Louie growled.

"Whoops, sorry. My bad."

Ignoring his own pain, Andy watch as Denielo peeled his body off a sneering Louie who was sprawled on the ground with the side of his face pressed tight against the weapons case.

"Why did we stop?" Vane asked rubbing the side of his head.

"More like what the hell did we hit."

"Or ran over." Andy groaned rubbing his aching backside. God, his back ached.

"I think my senses are on backward I can't remember how I ended on Louie's body." Denielo grimaced and give Louie a sheepish look.

When the man growled, Denielo muttered: "I said I was sorry."

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