Chapter Fourteen

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Happy New Year!

Hey, lovelies! I'm sorry for the late update but I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. ❤

Hours later Annie woke with a start

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Hours later Annie woke with a start. It was tricky, listening past the blood thundering in her ears, to figure out what had startled her. A truck horn honked before zooming pass. She looked out the window and up at the sky. Woah. She'd slept a long time. It was already morning.

A massive storm was brewing; she could tell by how the clouds rolled when Andy took a left turn. Bad weather wasn't anything to be afraid of but the timing was uncanny. With the howling wind pushing it, the sky chased them as Andy maneuver the wet roads to get them to safety.

"Good morning," Andy said breaking through her thoughts. "How was your sleep?"

Her eyes roved over him for a moment. He must have known she was staring at him because his eyes met hers for a second before he shifted them back to the road.

While his face was lined with seriousness, his eyes held weariness. Her heart went out to him. She knew he had to be in pain; the way he held himself showed it all. She offered to drive, but he turned her down. "Good Morning," she replied softly.

Andy smiled, and she frowned. "Why are you smiling?"

He chuckled before clearing his throat. "Our son woke while you were asleep."

She couldn't help it also; a smile appeared on her face. "Oh. Did he cry?"

"No, but we had an interesting conversation."

"Really?" Annie glanced behind to get a glimpse of their sleeping son. Andy had stopped to get a car seat and other things for their journey. She settled against the headrest, relaxing to watch him drive. Andy drove with intense concentration; Eyes on the road. And he obeyed all the speed limit signs. Despite they were running for their lives and hoping Gregg helped them, Annie felt calm and in control.

"Yes, nevermind I understand nothing he said," Andy laughed. Lost in her thoughts, Annie didn't answer. Her mind rolled with questions and apologies. He had to felt some way when Reon babbled his baby language.

No good man wanted to miss important parts of their son's upbringing. She wanted to tell him: she never meant to hurt him-- liar. The tiny voice in her mind reminded her there was once a time when she wanted to find him and hurt him like how he'd hurt her.

Reon was the reason she held back, swallowed her anger and hide her broken and abused heart. Only to find out years later all of it was a lie and a whole heap of misunderstanding. And Andy was indeed hurt, and she was the cause; if only she had trusted him. If only she had believed in the relationship. If only...

"Annie are you okay? We are almost there; if you're wondering."

Her throat choked on words and her eyes welled with tears. Annie dug her clenched hands into her lap and looked straight ahead. What hell's happening? Only moments ago she was calm and in control. Now, she was losing her composure by the millisecond.


"I-I'm sorry, Andy," she croaked out.

Andy was silent for a moment. Glancing at him, she saw he chewed at the corner of his lips with his eyes still focused on the road. She jerked her eyes away quickly when she heard him say, "I thought we had an agreement to get through this and leave the past in the past; why are you doing this to yourself?"

"I felt so bad and selfish, and...and..."

"Annie, listen!"

Her head jerked up at the booming sound of his voice. A quick glanced in the backseat confirmed their son didn't hear a thing.

Her heart clattered against her chest as she waited to hear what he had to say.

"I know what you did was beyond anything I..." he paused and shifted his eyes to her for a second then back to the road.

"Look, Can you promise you will never bring up the past? At least for now."

"Okay," she whispered not sure how to respond.

"Two more miles then we'll be on the back roads for another five. The rain is really starting to come down. It's will be pretty rough and the roads are gonna get a little bumpy. Will you be alright?"

Annie looked at him in disbelief. "I should be asking you that question; how's your leg and shoulder? How are you feeling?"

Andy chuckled at her onslaught of questions. "Sore, but I'll be fine."

Freeing one hand from the steering wheel, he dropped it onto her knee, squeezing gently. "Everything's gonna be okay; I promise."

Taking a deep breath, Annie swiped the escaping tears from her cheeks before covering his hand with hers. "Okay."

"That's my girl," he smiled at her.

He doesn't hate you. The raw emotion in his voice and the feel of his hand had to be enough. She trusted him with her whole heart. God help them both if Gregg doesn't catch the bad guys in time.


"Look who's awake," Andy glanced in the rearview mirror.

Smiling, Annie turned to look at her son who was in the middle of a yawn.

Fifteen minutes later Andy slowed down and made a right turn up a dirt-covered road. The quietness and the complete absent of lights sent a creepy feeling down her spine.

"This place feels like it's completely off the grid. It's a cabin, right?" she asked.


"No. Not really."

His relaxed mood seemed to rub off on her, but she still had nagging worries and she wished if it would just go away.

The car came to a stop and Andy switched off the engine.

"Why did you stop?"

"Because we've arrived."

Thank you for reading❤

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Please check out my new book: Sword of Death ❤

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