Chapter Twenty

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A bad feeling settled in Andy's stomach as he flicked the toothpick between his lips

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A bad feeling settled in Andy's stomach as he flicked the toothpick between his lips. It has been approximately three hours since he'd landed on Gregg's doorstep.

His stomach churned and fluttered and he couldn't figure out why. He'd eaten a burger not so long ago, and he wondered if that caused his discomfort.

Sighing, he settled his gaze on the men in the crowded living room.

A man that introduced himself as Julian leaned his massive shoulders against a bookcase while he scowled at the picture Gregg handed him.

"Are you sure this is the man?" Julian asked arching his bushy eyebrow.

Andy flickered his gaze towards Gregg and he wondered for the third time why Gregg seemed skittish. Sweat dotted his forehead and for the umpteenth time, he reached for his handkerchief. Something was bothering the man. He opened his mouth to ask but another guy beat him to the punch.

"What's wrong with you, man? Are you sick?"

Gregg's hand trembled slightly, but he didn't acknowledge the man's question.

Andy watched as the tall guy with a head full of bright red hair shrugged before turning back to the weapons laid out on the table.

"He probably needs to get laid." A short dark-skinned man with a thick mustache joked.

"I have a wife you jackass!" Gregg growled. His fist clenching until veins popped out all over his hands and arms.

Something was wrong with Gregg.

"Hey, no need to bite my head off," the man stepped back, hands shoved into the air.

Andy watched the heated exchange while his stomach rolled. He resisted the urge to excuse himself for the bathroom.

"This is no playpen!" Gregg shouted. "We are here to help this man," he pointed to Andy, "and his family. So buckle up and shut up. Let's get this plan on the roll."

A series of yes sir filled the air as the men scurried about to get their hands busy with some form of work.

Andy stood up and cross the short distance to Gregg. He stepped over a case full of ammunition. Andy was grateful to have backup but did they need all this?

"Hey, man," he boomed slapping Gregg on the back to lighten the mood. Anger simmered off the man in ringlets of waves.

"Oh, hey Andy. Do you need to call Annie?"

"I left my phone with her in case she needs to reach me. I told her to call your phone."

"Oh." Gregg reached for his phone.

"No, I'll call her in a few-she's probably sleeping by now."

"Are you sure?" Gregg relaxed before pushing his phone back into his pocket.

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