Chapter Thirteen

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Andy gripped the steering wheel hard to control the gut-wrenching pain that snaked through his body

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Andy gripped the steering wheel hard to control the gut-wrenching pain that snaked through his body. His one good hand shook as he grabbed his phone. Dragging in a deep breath, he dialed Gregg's number.

Gregg answered on the third ring. "Hello? Andy?"

"Yeah. It's me." Andy said, changing the phone to the other ear, but that only intensified the throbbing pain. He clenched his jaw. A sound must have escaped because Gregg's booming voice filled his ears.

"What happened, man? Is Annie and the baby okay?"

"Yeah...for now, but that's not why I'm calling." He paused. "A man attacked me."

"Shit! Where? At the house? Are you okay?"

Andy almost smiled at how worried Gregg sounded. Amusement wasn't exactly the best reaction at the moment, but it beat the anger swirling in his mind. "In the parking lot of my workplace." He sighed. "I'm fine, pretty banged up," he gritted his teeth. "The man got away."

"Why didn't you take one of my men with you? Did you get a good look at the man who attacked you?"

"I didn't know someone would attack me and yes I saw his face. But he's nobody I know."

"Did he say anything to you?"

"Yes." Andy sighed, closed his eyes and leaned back against the seat. "He said I have two days to put the money into the account. And they know where we are. I'm still trying to figure out how they got that information."

Gregg was silent for a moment. "I think we've underestimated the people who're behind this."

Andy's stomach tightened with nerves. He couldn't go to the police and it's not guaranteed that if he paid the money, it would be the end. What the hell was he supposed to do? He sighed and let his gaze wander around the parking lot. He knew his attackers were long gone, but that was no excuse to be extra vigilant.

Gregg's voice penetrated his ears. "Do you have a safe place to go? Or I can arrange somewhere safe..."

"No, No, that's fine. I have a place where I can take Annie and our son." He gripped the phone tighter. "I can't let anything happen to them. I won't let anything happen to them."

"I know, man. But I think we can nail those bastards." Gregg assured him.

"How? I ran out of all ideas."

"We know paying the money is not a good idea and contacting the police is out. I will send one of my men at your workplace now. You guys have cameras, right?"


"Great. From what we will get from the footage of your attack should be enough to identify a suspect."

"Call me when you have something. I have to get out of here and get us on the road."

"Yes, you do that. Stay low for a while."

Andy clicked off and started up the car. He scanned the parking lot once more before driving off.

Along the way, he did checks in the rearview mirror and took the long way home in case anyone was following him. When he got home, he updated the men surveilling his home.

"Did anyone show up here while I was gone?" he asked them.

"No, Everything's been clear and quiet. A big mountain of a man answered. Well, he sure had the look of a bodyguard.

"Why, is there a problem?" the other man asked, using a tattooed-covered hand to brush his hair from his eyes.

"Someone attacked me, but that's not important right now. I need you guys to be on the lookout and on alert for anything suspicious while I get my family ready to go."

"Did you contact the boss?"

"Yes, he knows."

Andy made his way back to the house the best way he could with the limp of the century. And excruciating pain a sane man would be hospitalized for. He called out for Annie, not wanting to scare her. "It's me, Andy," he added for a good measure.

Annie had paced the living room until her feet ached. She was so worried about Andy. Nerves ate at her stomach and she wrung her hands to control her anxiety. When Andy had called out for her, a relieved breath whooshed from her lungs and she rushed to open the door. From the way he stood, she knew something was wrong. He held one of his arm close to his side. And his face was heavy with pain.

"Oh-my-God, Andy, what happened to you?" She moved closer to him an pressed a careful hand to his cheek. "Did something happen while you were at the office?"

"Come, we can't be exposed at the door like this," he told her.

Annie covered her mouth to stifle the gasp that tore from her throat. "Who did this to you?" she asked, ready to launch a war on his attacker.

Andy closed the door, locked it then he took her hand and dragged her over to the couch as soon as she opened her mouth to ask another question.

Her legs wouldn't allow her to sit; she had to do something. "What do you need an ice pack, bandages?"

"I'm fine Annie, really. Sit down. All I need is you right now."

"I was so worried about you Andy. What happened?"

"I would have been here sooner, but I had a little scuffle. But Annie, we have to leave here tonight. Those people know we are here."

"Oh, God. Let me get Reon and our things."


"Andy, what are we going to do? I can't..."

"Annie look at me."

"We will get through this, okay?"

"I'm so tired of this. Why can't they leave us alone?"

"I don't know."

Her hand brush against his. "I'm so sorry for what's happening now to us."

"The only thing I'm sorry about is me not coming to find you sooner."

Five minutes later as they sat together, there was a noise coming from the bedroom. Their son was talking in his version of English and baby language. Annie got up to go to him, but a touch on her arm stopped her.

"Go to him, I'll go get myself cleaned up."

Her eyes filled with tears at his grunt to ease himself from the couch.

"No, Annie don't cry. I'm fine." He tried to give her a smile.

"I think you should go to a hospital."

"You know I can't do that; we have to leave tonight."

"But... but..."

His mouth was on hers before the next word left her lips. He pulled away. "Go to our son."


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