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Ten months later
Linden, Guyana
Blue lake Resort

Fresh air. With the sky sparkling blue and pockets of milk-white clouds sparsely patterned standing proudly over large clumps of trees: barks wide as it was tall, leaves greener than emeralds. The sun beamed from the east illuminating the lake making the water glitter like a mine of the rarest sapphires.

Umbrellas of all colors littered the banks as people from all walks of life with their families, friends, colleagues, and animals loiter about as they wallowed in happiness and fun. On the far side, there was a bar playing mild Caribbean music.

Annie rocked back into the navy blue beach chair and watched as Andy chased little Reon along the sandbanks. His squeals were loud and joyous as his little feet made tiny indents in the soil when he ran from his father.

Her gaze then went to Andy—her husband of three days. The pleasure in calling him her husband did amazing things to her heart. A smile teased her lips when he dived for their son and land flat on her bare stomach gobbling up a mouth full of wet sand. Annie couldn’t help but admire the flex of her husband’s muscles when he pulled himself up off the ground.

Andy glance around for Reon, when he saw he was coming back towards him, Andy place his head on his knees and play cried—rather loudly. A few heads turn in their direction but their faces held nothing but laughter. That’s one reason she’d chose this little country in South America for her honeymoon. And it was so fascinating that Guyana was the only English-speaking country. Well, it took her a full day to figure out how they spoke English. The accent was so deep and different from anything she’d heard before.

On the first day they’d arrived, a man with skin as dark as night and hair as curly as a telephone cord had smiled at her. His smile was so radiant it had almost taken her breath away. Then he uttered strange words: ‘Wam deh. What’s yuh name? You gah be ah farener.’

At first, she puzzled over the strange words, thinking he was being rude, but the guide, a towering bulk of a man had laughed and shooed the man away. He then explained what the man had said to her. He had asked her what’s happening, what was her name and if she were a foreigner. It completely took Annie off guard at the guide’s answer. But she ended up smiling. Everyone was friendly and warm towards them. The sights were breathtaking. The food was everything she could dream of.

“Mama!” Reon hollered.

“Yes, baby?” She called back.

“Dada crying.”

“Maybe he needs a hug.” Annie smiled as Reon furrowed his brow. He swung his little arms at his sides and walked towards his father calling out dada. He let out a loud scream then burst into a full belly laugh as Andy caught him around the waist and tickled him.

After the past few months, they’d gone through they needed this. Needed happiness. Laughter. After everything: the nightmares that plagued her dreams. The scars that marred her body and the bone-chilling fear she couldn’t get past for weeks. But Andy had been there to comfort her as she’d been there for him.

Gregg had disappeared after a month in the hospital. He’d left only a note saying he was sorry and he never meant for any of it to happen. Andy had wanted to go after Gregg but he’d specifically stated for them not to look for him.

Louie had lost so much blood he’d been in a coma for three days before he came through whole enough to scowl at everyone. Julian and the rest of the guys had moved on to build their own Bodyguard for hire agency. And then there was Kyle.

After the police had hauled him and his men off to Prison, Kyle was never the same. Not that she cared, but she knew Andy did—deep down. Kyle had killed himself after two months in prison. Apparently, he’d stolen a butter knife from a guard and opened up a vein in his wrist. They found him two days later laying in a pool of his own blood. His lifeless eyes were wide open.

“What are you thinking about my beautiful wife?” Andy smacked a wet kiss on her cheek. Reon slung playfully over his shoulders. “I hope you’re still not worried about my parents.”

Annie looked into the warm depths of her husband’s eyes. “No, honey—I’m happy. Very much so.” His parents had begged for her forgiveness and a chance to meet their grandson. Annie wasn’t sure she was ready, but she was taking one step at a time. One day at a time. She knew a day would come when she would find it in her heart to forgive them.

“Mama,” Reon whined. “Hungry.”

Andy chucked. “You gonna give your mama lots of trouble, eh little man?”

“Nooo,” Reon squealed. “Me good big boy.”

Andy and Annie burst out laughing at their son’s boast. Andy swung his little body into his arms. “What do you want to eat?”

“Mik and pe pe!”

Andy frowned. “What?” Andy glanced over at Annie, expression baffled. “What in the kiddies basket is pe pe?”

Anne placed a hand to her mouth to stifle her laugh. “He wants milk and pizza.”

Andy stared at his son and tickled under his chin. “That’s a strange combination, son. That’ll sure curdle your stomach.”

“We’ll go have lunch now.”

“Yeah, food!” Andy shouted.

Annie rolled her eyes, “You’re like a like a little kid.”

“A little kid that loves you with all his heart. I’ll never stop,” he vowed.

“I sure hope so.”

“What do you say to—more kids?” Andy suddenly blurted out.

Annie smiled up at him even as her eyes glistened with tears. Happy tears. “More kids?”

Andy nodded. “We’re married what’s stopping us?”

Annie smiled wider. “You’re in luck husband,” she patted her stomach and winked at him saucily.

Andy’s eyes bugged. “Really?” He started to bounce on his toes. “You’re having a baby?”

Before Annie could reply Andy was already screaming at the top of his lungs: “you will be a big brother and I will be a daddy again.” Reon was enjoying every moment of his dad's company.

“Andy, let’s go,” she said but Andy had already taken off. Happier than a kid on Christmas. The only thing she did was smile until her face ached and still she didn’t stop smiling. Life was better than ever.


In the end, some of your greatest pain become your greatest strength.


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