The past

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                                 (Suna POV)

I was sitting on the roof of the Kazekage mansion watching the clouds pass by while I was lost in thought. I heard someone walking up so I turned in a hurry.

"Oh, hey Gaara." I said with a smile.

"Hey I've been looking for you, Suna." Gaara said as he sat down beside me.

We where silent for a long time just watching the clouds pass by.

"Gaara.. why do people hate us so much?" I asked.

"They think we're a danger to them.. there scared of our demons." Gaara explains.

"But we wouldn't hurt anyone." I said as I looked down.

"They don't know that.." Gaara said.

I moved closer to Gaara and cuddled up to him as a tear fell from my eye.

"It's ok Suna.. you still have me." Gaara said with a smile, I smiled back and hug him.

We continue to watch the clouds until we decided to go watch the other kids our age play soccer. Once we arrived we try to stay out of sight so we don't scare them. We continue to watch them for about 15 minuets until the ball gets stuck on the cliff they where next to.

Me and Gaara wave our hand to make our sand grab the ball and set it back down in front of them then we walk out for them to see us just slightly.

"It's.. ITS THE SAND TWINS!" Kairu yelled as his eyes started to fill with terror.

"W-wait." Gaara said as he put out his hand.

His sand started racing towards the kids as they all ran away while mine did the same. Our sand grabbed 2 people, siblings named Karaa and Zairā.

'I don't want to be alone anymore.' I thought as the sand shot towards them but a medical shinobi blocked the sand, it was Yashamaru, our uncle.

"Twins.. please calm down." Yashamaru said.

Me and Gaara didn't say a word, we looked at his bloody arms then at Karaa and Zairā who looked terrified. Me and Gaara ran and didn't stop until we got to our house.

I was sitting on my bed with knife in my hand ready to stab myself. I held it up and slammed it down onto my neck only for it to be stopped by my sand.

"S-Suna!" Yashamaru yelled as he saw me with the knife next to my neck.

My head shot up as I heard his voice.

"You.. you tried to kill yourselve.. why?" Yashamaru asked.

"I don't belong on this earth.. like everyone says to me.. I should just drop dead." I said with a stream of tears.

Gaara then walks into the room and sits by my side.

"I was ordered by the Kazekage to protect you.. I care for you both and I don't want to see you hurt.. then again, I guess the sand will protect you." Yashamaru said as he sat by me.

"Yashamaru.. Sorry." Gaara and I said.

"Don't worry twins I'm fine." Yashamaru said with a smile.

"Dose it still hurt?" Gaara asked.

"Just a little.. but it will heal quick." Yashamaru reply's.

There was a small silence between us all.

"Yashamaru.. What dose pain feel like? Me and Gaara have never been injured." I said.

"How do I put it.. it's like when someone gets hurt it's a feeling that's very hard to take, you don't feel normal.. I'm not explaining this very well.. let's just say it's something you want to avoid." Yashamaru said as he scratched the back of his head.

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