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(Suna's POV)

I got bored today so I started walking around the village, just going where my legs take me. I found myself at the hot springs after a while so I decided to walk in. I stripped down then got in and noticed a certain pink haired girl sitting across from me with another girl.

"Hey Suna!" Sakura said with a smile.

"Hn.. hey Cherry blossom." I said.

Sakura made her way to my side along with her friend.

"I saw you training a while ago.. your sand tornado is really impressive." The girl said.

"..And you are?" I asked.

"Oh.. I'm Ino, your Suna right?" She said.

"Yeah.." I said blankly.

"So Ino.. your friends with that Tenten girl right.. are the weapons and scrolls she uses her only tricks?" I asked.

"As far is I know, yeah.." Ino said.

"Hn.. I'll see you guys later.." I said as I got up.

"But.. you just got here.." Sakura said.

"I have things to do.." I said as I walked out.

I walk into the changing room and put my clothes back on then made my way to the training grounds.

'Hey Gaara come to the training ground!' I said.

'Fine.' Gaara replied.

After about 25 minuets Gaara shows up and walks towards the middle of the field.

"What did you need?" Gaara asked.

"I wanna spar.." I said as I took my gourd off.

"Fine.." Gaara said as he dose the same.

We both get into a fighting stance and race towards each other. After a few hours of sparring Gaara went back to the hotel while I stayed and worked on my newest technique. I spent all night working until my legs turned to jelly and I fell to the ground just barely awake.

"You trained to hard.. again.." Sabaku said.

'No shit..' I replied, panting.

"Why train so hard.. Tenten is a light weight." Sabaku said.

'Not that I'm doubting my skills.. but she could come back with more techniques.. just as I plan to.' I said.

"Can you even walk now?" Sabaku asked.

'' I said as a vain popped out of my head.

"Ok BAKA.. get Gaara." Sabaku said.

'Gaara.. can you come to the-' I said before passing out.

(Sasuke's POV)

I was walking towards the training grounds because I wasn't able to sleep but I found someone already there. 'Suna?' I asked myself. I watched as she fell to the ground just barely keeping her eyes open. After a minute I walk up to her and pick up her unconscious body then walk towards my apartment.

I step into my apartment and set her in my bed then walk out of my room and lay on the couch, after what felt like forever I fell asleep. I woke up to what felt like someone flicking my forehead so I opened my eyes and saw the sea foam green eyes and multi colored hair.

"Why am I here?" Suna asked.

"Because I found you at the training grounds unconscious so I brought you back to my apartment.. I wasn't going to just leave you out there." I said.

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