My old, new life

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(Suna's POV)

It's been a while sense I came back to the village, everything started out terrible. People would treat me like a monster and a freak which I guess was accurate at the time but everything changed when I saved the Kazekage and the village from a secret organization that had a grudge towards the Sand but the organization is now destroyed thanks to me, Lily, Jessi and help from the shinobi.

I'm treated just as my other siblings are and I treat them like my family. As for Lily and Jessi, they left the village 2 years ago, don't worry there not rouges again. There on a most likely lifetime mission that they wanted to go on.. to kill the Akatsuki.

(Lily's POV)

After a year of being back in the Sand we decided to avenge our fallen comrades. One night we packed our things and headed towards the gate, we new fairly well that if you leave the land your considered a rouge but we thought it was worth it.

We tried asking Gaara to let us go over a million times but he said no every time. As we where about to walk out of the gate we heard a voice from behind us.

"Where are you two going?" Gaara asked.

"Hey~ Gaara~.." we both said in a sweet and innocent voice as we turn to face him.

"How many times do I have to tell you no.." Gaara said as he placed his pointer and thumb on the brim of his nose.

"Gaara.. don't you get it.. they killed our friends.. rouge or not we cared for them and we want to do something." I stated.

"Gaara.. let them go.." Suna said as she stepped into view.

"Yeah listen to your sister." Jessi said.

"..Your not going to let this go are you?" Gaara asked.

We both shake our heads as we lightly smirk.

"Fine.. Lily Kōri and Jessi Kasai.. your mission is to gather information on the Akatsuki and destroy the group if possible.. you leave immediately.." Gaara said.

"Thank you Gaara!" Jessi and I said in sync.

Before we turn around Suna pulls us both into a hug.

"Thanks for everything guys." Suna said as she pulled away.

"No problem Suna.. and tell Temari and Kankurō we said bye.." Jessi said.

Suna lightly nodded as she sent us a rare smile along with Gaara. We wave back to them as we step out of the village and head towards the area where there base was located.

(Suna's POV)

It's quite simple I know but I thought it was worth mentioning. Right now I'm preparing for the Chunin exams which is extremely annoying considering I tie with the Kazekage.. EVERY TIME! But I guess the last exam I took was.. interrupted.. so this is only fair. And I know I've been back here for almost 3 years but I've had other things that where more important.

"You ready Suna?" Gaara asked as we step towards the forest of death.

"If I can stand to fight the Kazekage I think I can fight through the forest again.." I said with slight sarcasm.

"I'm sorry." Gaara said with a slight laugh.

"Ok maggots! Get to your assigned gates!!" Anko yelled.

"Bye Gaara." I said as I walk up to the gate.

"START!!!!" Anko yelled.

I race threw the door and jump into the trees as I place my heaven scroll onto my belt. I was almost instantly stopped by a group of 3 guys that looked to be about 15 to 17.

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