The forest of death

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(Suna's POV)

I had a little spare time before we had to met Anko so I walked to the weapons shop to look for a few things. I looked at the walls and saw things like katanas, scythes, cleavers but at the moment that stuff didn't really interest me. I looked over at the other wall and saw a pare of twin fans, both where black with red splattered at the top as if it was blood splattered.

I took them off the shelf and payed for them then walked out. I do know how to do a few wind style jutsu's because before I became cold blooded Temari would let me practice with her fan. I put them on ether side of me on my black belt then started walking towards the building.

I finally got there and ignored everyone who was watching me like a lion would it's prey. I make a small fountain of sand and sit there out of sight from everyone else and wait for Gaara to arrive.

'Gaara are you almost here?' I asked.

'Yeah.. where did you go?' Gaara asked.

'I just went to the weapon shop to grab a few things..' I replied.

A few minutes later Gaara and the others showed up and stayed next to me the entire time.. I guess there still not sure about me doing this alone. Eventually Anko showed up and led us to the forest of death.

"This place really creeps me out.." the pinket said.

"It should.. it's call the forest of death and soon enough you going to find out why." Anko said.

Naruto, the idiot started to mimic Anko only to have her throw a kunai cutting his cheek. After that I stopped paying attention until she told us the point of the exam.

"This is an anything go's battle to get you hands on these scrolls. You have to make it to the tower with both scrolls in order to pass. Half of the teams will have a heaven scroll and the other will have the earth scrolls." Anko explained.

I got my earth scroll then put it inside one of my pouches and was then handed a form to fill out. I filled out the form, turned it in then walked over to a hill to be alone until we where supposed to start.

'Hey Suna.. are you sure your going to be ok?' Gaara asked.

'I'll be fine, don't worry about me.. besides I'm not the one stuck with those idiots.' I replied with a laugh.

'I hate you..' Gaara said. 'Oh please you love me.' I said.

'I hate it when your right.. I'll see you after the exam.' Gaara said.

I then got up from my spot and walked over to one of the gates.

"Ok.. START!!!" Anko yelled.

My gate opened and I raced in and jumped into the trees. A few minutes in I started hearing screams from other teams.

'Looks like this won't be a complete let down..' I said.

"Come on let's go kill some brats!!!!" Sabaku yelled making me smile evilly.

I continued into the forest until I was stopped by a team, there where 2 guys that looked as if they where twins and a girl with short brown hair.

"Your the girl who's doing this on her own.. not a smart move. Give us your scroll and we'll leave you in peace instead of peace's." The girl said.

I slightly laugh then look at them with a dangerous look. My sand made it's way out of my gourd and started to circle me.

"I must tell you.. I have never lost a battle." I said blankly.

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