Chapter 4

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A/n: Hey there! Hope you enjoyed the previous chapter. And I've decided that this story will be in Volume 1 and 2 so there will be a dancing and other stuffs. Without wasting our times, let's get started!

3rd POV:

Few months after the incident, Beacon has been rebuilt. Crowds gathered to mourned the students who lost their lives during the attack. Shadow Company responsible for the attack. The Remnant Special Operations Command or RESOCOM has initiated the 2nd level protocol to defend Vale and also other kingdoms.

While the RESOCOM and Central Intelligence of Remnant working on finding the Shadow Company, Soap and Roach had recovered earlier while (Y/n) was still at the hospital. Roach and Yang decided to visit him. As they arrivied at the hospital and went to his room, they found out that (Y/n) had woke up from his injuries. Turns out that he woke up a week before. Yang ran towards her and hugged him. She carefully hugged him not wanted to hurt him. (Y/n) happily returned the hug.

Yang: "I'm so glad that yoy have recovered. How do you feel?"

(Y/n): "I'm feel better than before except bored laid down on this bed.. kinda miss my own bed in Beacon.." as he said that, the doctor came in.

Doctor: "Well good for you because you will be discharged today. And before that, let me check you for the final time before giving you the green light."

(Y/n) and Yang were talking as usual as the doctor does the final check on him. After that, Roach signed the discharged form and brought him back to Beacon.

-Beacon, Task Force 141 room-

As they reached the room, Yang helped him to sit on his bed as he can still feel the pain on his body.

(Y/n): "Where is the goddamn old man?"

Roach: "You mean, Soap? He's busy with the Shadow Company."

(Y/n): "Huh.. so the Shadow Company has shown itself to the public.."

Yang: "Umm, what is Shadow Company?" (Y/n) and Roach looked at each other as the information that they will tell to her was a top secret. They nodded and Roach began to spill the information.

Roach: "Shadow Company is a bad guy. They were formed by General Shepherd as he believe that this world has been contaminated by corrupted people and so on.. He gathered all of the Atlas soldiers who were discharged without honour and also who share the same goals to join for his cause."

(Y/n): "Before this, Shepherd was a good leader. But somehow, he began to show his true side. Shadow Company are responsible for a lots of criminals, as well as genocide and also, for killing my family.. That's why Task Force 141 were established. To hunt this kind of terrorists and burn them down to the ground."

Roach: "Remember, this is top secret information. You better keep this with you or else, the CIR will hunt you down." He said to Yang.

Yang: "Don't worry. You can trust me. Oh by the way, the dance is about 2 days more and my team are gonna get busy with preparing the hall for the dance."

Roach: "The dance..... Damnn I hope that we are not gonna be put on patrol at that day."

(Y/n): "I hope so... It's good to spend time at that time after all that we've been through together..."

Yang: "So... You guys have a person to ask for the dance in your mind?" She asked as she was hoping that (Y/n) would asked her.

(Y/n): "I.... do not know yet... Maybe I'll figure it out tonight..."

Roach: "Oh I have one in my mind."

Yang: "Annnndddd who would be that lucky person?"

Roach: "....suprise. You will know about it when the time comes."

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