Chapter 10

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3rd POV:

As both sides closing in, the task force began to open fire at short range and so does the Shadow Company. But none of the bullets hit its target because they were too agile. Soon enough, both sides ran out of ammunitions and they turned to their melee. Price charged towards Gen. Shepherd as he launched his attack but Gen. Shepherd managed to block it. (Y/n) have to deal with two enemies since he's the only one who can summoned ghost to help him. (Y/n) continuously attacked his target. His enemy barely blocked all of his attack as (Y/n) saw an opening on his left side and drove his kukri and stabbed the enemy's stomach and twirled it making a large stab wound. His ememy punched him in his face and he stumbled back but he managed to regain his posture and lunged forward to him. The enemy tried to slash him but he evaded it and ran to his back. (Y/n) then grabbed his head and stabbed him and the back of his neck, making him instantly dead. (Y/n) then released his head and began help Soap defeating his target.

As Soap and (Y/n) managed to kill the target, they were interrupted when they heard a shout.


They turned their head towards the sound and saw Roach holding his wound and fell down on his knees. His enemy lifted his sword to kill him but (Y/n) summoned a ghost near Roach and the ghost blocked the enemy sword and the ghost unsheathed the melee and stabbed the enemy's heart multiple times. The enemy's lifeless body dropped to the ground as Roach turned his head towards (Y/n) and gave him a thumb up before losing his consciousness. (Y/n) and Soap ran towards him to check if he's still breathing or not and lucky, that bastard was still alive.

Soap: "Let's go and- ARRRGGGGGHHH!" he was cut off when he got shot twice at his right arm and his right leg.

(Y/n): "NOOO!"

Gen. Shepherd: "You give me the challenge. But you're not too strong to kill me."

(Y/n) then looked at Gen. Shepherd who was holding Price's neck. Price was heavily wounded as multiple stab wounds and cuts can be seen.

(Y/n): "Price! Don't kill him, Shepherd!"

Gen. Shepherd: "Oh so now you're begging me not to kill him? Well, I don't kill people. My gun does the job." Without hesitation, he aimed his gun at Price head. Price looked at (Y/n) and smiled as he knew that it will be his last moment. He closed his eyes and Gen. Shepherd shot him, making a large hole on his head as his brain splattered on the ground. He then dropped Price lifeless body as (Y/n) watched his body fell to the ground with pure shock, sad and anger.

Gen. Shepherd: "He's a good soldier. Shame on him that he doesn't accept my proposal to join my cause." He said while holstered his gun back.

(Y/n): "You... You.." He looked to the ground and clenched his fists.

Gen. Shepherd: "Yes? You want to die too?"

(Y/n): "No.... YOU WILL DIE!" (Y/n) then unsheathed his kukri and turned it into dual-wield and dashed towards Gen. Shepherd. Gen. Shepherd then took his stance and as soon as (Y/n) approached him, their weapon clashed. (Y/n) began to attack aggressively but all of his attack were blocked by Gen. Shepherd. Gen. Shepherd calmly blocked his attacks while waiting for an opportunity to strike. He then saw an opening on his right and he delivered his punch on his right side and managed to hit on his right and crack sound can be heard clearly. (Y/n) screamed in pain as he pulls away from the fight but didn't realized Gen. Shepherd next move. He grabbed (Y/n)'s hand and pulled him closer and delivered several punches on his face making him stumbled backward. He then took his knife and stabbed on the center of his chest and he fells backward to the ground.

Soap: "(Y/n) no!!!!" Soap tried to reach for his pistol but he was stopped by Gen. Shepherd when he kicked his hand and punched his face hard, knocking him out. Soap lost his consciousness. Then, Gen. Shepherd turned to (Y/n) who was still on the ground, grunting in pain while reloading his gun.

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