Chapter 8

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3rd POV:

After hearing what had happened to (Y/n) and Yang from Ozpin, the rest of team RWBY and Soap rushed to the infirmary where (Y/n) was located. They were greeted by Roach who was sitting on a bench outside of the room with his full gear. Hearing the footsteps closing in, Roach turned his head towards them and put a smile on his face.

Roach: "Hey guys."

Ruby: "Hey there, Roach. How's (Y/n) doing?" She asked as she concerned about his best friend.

Roach: "Doc said nothing serious. Just loss his consciousness and wil have aminor headache but only for a short brief."

Blake: "What happened to Yang?"

Roach: "From my calculation, she has been kidnapped."

Soap: "Shadow Company?"

Roach: "That is my best guess." He said while rubbing his forehead.

Blake: "I'm sorry but, what is Shadow Company?"

Soap: *sigh* "It's about time we tell you this." He looked to Roach and he nodded.

Roach: "Pay attention because this is a highly top secret information and I do not want any of you tell this information to others, understood?" The group nodded. "Good. Lets begin." He and Soap began to tell the information about the Shadow Company, about the war that they have created and about General Shepherd, the man behind this war.

Blake: "So basically, they are the same as the White Fang."

Soap: "Correct. That is why the Task Force 141 was established, to hunt them down."

Ruby: "But, what does this have to do with (Y/n) amd Yang?"

Roach: "(Y/n) is a well known operator in the 141 community. Successfully accomplished a lots of mission in his very young age. So he become the main target. It seems that the Shadow Company has found his weakness, which is Yang. That is why they kidnap her."

Soap: "But, how do they know about this?"

Blake: "They must have a spy at here...."

Roach: "High possibility that they sent a spy."

Soap: "I hear that the big operation was postponed. Could be about this."

Roach: "That is good news for us. That will give us more time to find this bastard."

Soap: "I'll go meet with Ozpin and tell him about this. Let me know if that kid has wake up." Roach nodded and Soap left the group to meet with Ozpin. A few minutes after he left, the doctor came out from the room.

Doc: "Hey, he's awake. But he's still broken about the incident. I suggest that you don't push him to hard with questions and try to calm him down, allright?" The group nodded and entered the room. They saw (Y/n) lying on his back and his head down, looking at his hand with gloomy face. They approached him but didn't dare to speak. (Y/n) realized them and lifted his head to face them.

(Y/n): "Hey guys....." He said with sad tone.

Roach: "Hey, Ghost. How do you feel?"

(Y/n): "I feel like shit.... Knowing that I could not save her....." He said as he shed a single tear.

Roach: "Don't say like that, mate. You can still save her. Don't lose you faith no matter what happens."

(Y/n): "I know... But.. how.. Shadow Company is good in hiding their movements... It would be impossible to find them... I-I've broke the promise..."

Ruby: "DON'T SAY THAT!" From all the sudden, Ruby shouted making them shocked. She looked at (Y/n) with anger before she continued. "Why do you have to say that its impossible?! You are her boyfriend, and she is your girlfriend! You have to find her no matter what happens! That is my sister who has been kidnapped by the Shadow Company and I want my sister back! So, I need you and your team to go and save her! You said that you love her with all you heart, right?!" (Y/n) nodded and she continued "Then, do something to bring her back rather than laid down in this bed and do nothing! Don't make her regret with her choice, (Y/n).... She choose you because she believe that you will protect her no matter the cost... She loves you more than she loves her bike.... Please, (Y/n).... Bring her back safely... I don't want to lose her..." With that, she cried while buried her face on the bed. The group were still in awe with her sudden outburst. Suddenly, (Y/n) reached out and gently grabbed her hand, making her lifted her head and faced him.

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