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-7 years later-

(Y/n)'s POV:

It's been 7 years since the big operation and I'm glad that Shadow Company has finally fell to its knees although White Fang are still bringing the havoc to the world. Task Force 141 objective are now focusing on the White Fang.

After Beacon's graduation, well, except me, Soap and Roach didn't went through the graduation, Team RWBY are still together. Blake eventually married with Roach and surprisingly, Blake joined the TF141 to help hunting down the White Fang. Soap still haven't married yet although he's gaining age. Ruby, I don't know what she's doing right now but she came visit our house sometime. Me and Yang got married and we lived in Patch. With the help from Tai, we managed to find a home. I'm sitting on a bench outside of the house, admiring the beauty of the nature that surrounded the area.

I'm still working with the TF141. Soap is our current commanding officer. Oh, we now have-

???: "Daddy, daddy!!" I was snapped out when I heard voice calling me. I turned to my left and saw my son. He's name is Price. Yeah, he got that name from Price. Yang agreed to give him the name. He has lilac eyes just like his mother and (h/c) which he got it from me.

(Y/n): "What is it, Price?" I asked him and he ran to me and I lifted him up and put him on my lap.

Price: "Why you named me Price? Does I'm worthy as money?" I looked at him with my mouth agaped.

(Y/n): "No. I don't gave the name to you based on the currency. You got your name from someone who was my friend, and also my comrade."

Price: "Who is it? Is he important to you?"

(Y/n): "Yes, my little boy. He was like my own father. His name was John Price, commanding officer of the Task Force 141 which I'm currently served under. He always cared about his fellow comrades in TF141. He was also good in boosting up the troops morale. He was the most badass soldier I've ever met."

Price: "Wooahhh. Can I be like him?"

(Y/n): "Of course, private. One day, you will be like him. Hey, where's mommy?"

Price: "Oh, she's in the kit-"

Yang: "Oh, (y/n)~" out of nowhere, Yang came out while still wearing her apron.

(Y/n): "Oh boy, here comes the goldilock~" I chuckled and Price let out a small giggle which earned a glare from Yang.

Yang: "Sweetie, can I have a moment with daddy? Have to talk something important with him."

Price: "Yes, ma'am!" He then jumped out from my lap and ran to her and hugged her leg and Yang ruffled his hair making him laughed. He then walked away from there.

(Y/n): "Hey there, babe."

Yang: "Hey, big boy." She then walked towards me and sat besides me. She gently grabbed my hand and intertwined it and rest her head on my shoulder. "Can't believe that we're having a great life."

(Y/n): "Indeed, Yang. It is great." There was a moment of silence between us, not an awkward but a comfortable silence.

Yang: "Hey, do you still remember the memories during our times at Beacon?" She asked as she broke the silence.

(Y/n): "How could I not remember that? It's a beautiful memories.." I smiled and closed my eyes to recap the memories.

(Plays the music above)

(Y/n)'s thought

I still remember that day when I met with Yang in a forest. She was alone and I brought her to her house. From there, we've created a new friendship.

Then, we go to school together, altough we were one year different in age. But still, I'm happy that we went to the same school.

We've made a promise. Be bestfriends till the end. But I guess, it turned into a whole new relationship.

The day when I saw my family died, it was the most terrible day in my life. From there, I changed my life. But, in order to change it, I have to leave something that's important to me. I left Yang, but I'm still keeping the promise until I met with her again in Beacon.

The good memories and the bad memories that kept me to tell myself that I have something to protect no matter what the cost. I could see an imagination of myself hugging with Yang. I couldn't help but smiled. All the hell that we've been through together, makes our bond became much more stronger and thus, developing a feeling towards each other.

The day I sang a song for her, dancing with her, and the night of the great voyage really makes me grateful that I've met with such a beautiful girl.

The day when the grimm breached into the city, we stood ground together, exterminated all grimms that invaded Vale. It was really fun that time.

The day when I saves her from the Shadow Company, I could still remember her face when she looked at me. I'm glad that she was safe. I would go on rampage mode if something bad happened to her and even worst, took her life. But I'm grateful that nothing bad happened.

???: "(Y/n)?"

3rd POV:

(Y/n) was snapped out from his thoughts as Yang called for him

(Y/n): "H-Huh? What?"

Yang: "Something wrong? You seems to be spacing out for a while.."

(Y/n): "Ohh.. I was just thinking about the memories of me and you...." Yang smiled and she gently caressed his cheek and kissed.

Yang: "Babe, I have something to tell you."

(Y/n): "What is it?" Yang then gently grabbed his hand and put it on her stomach. (Y/n) could feel the bumps as he slowly rubbed her stomach. He thought about it for a second and his eyes widen when he realized about it.

(Y/n): "Y-Yang, are you..."

Yang: "Yes, (Y/n). We're going to have another baby!"

(Y/n) was happy when he heard this. He had the most widest smile plastered on his face. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her into a passionate kiss. Soon, they parted and rest their foreheads against each other.

(Y/n): "Does Price knows about this?"

Yang: "No... But lets keep it secret from Price's knowledge. I'm planning on surprising him."

(Y/n): "Good idea..." He smiled and pressed his lip against Yang's. Both of them kissed for a good 10 minutes before parted due to lack of oxygen.

Yang: "I love you, my brave soldier.."

(Y/n): "And I love you too, my goldilock."

                         (THE END)
A/n: Well guys. There you have it! The end of this book. I have to say that I'm pretty enjoyed writing this book although it took a while for me to update it. And I hope that you enjoyed reading this book as well.

Starting from now, I'm going to focusing on my third book, "Pararescue's Heart." Prologue is still in progress and expecting to update it in next week.

I want to say sorry if there's a lot of grammar or spelling mistakes and I'm often busy with my college stuffs that I don't have time to read it again and search for the errors. Again, I'm sorry.

So that's all for now. I hope that you guys have a great day/night and always be safe whenever you are and be prepared for any circumstances. Stay sharp guys! I'll see you again in the next book!

Oh! And don't forget to read "The Operator". It's currently on hold but, I appreciate it if you read the book. See you again, my fellow operators!

Mako out.

(If the music still continuing, stop it here)

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