Chapter 3

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A/n: Hey there. We meet again in this chapter. Honestly, it took a while for me to think about the next storyline. And I've decided that this story will be more focusing on Volume 1 and I hope that this will goes well until the end. Alright, let's get started!

Yang's POV:

I feel like I'm laid down on a soft thing. I slowly opened my eyes and scanned around. It looks familiar.. oh, it's our room. Wait, how do I get here? Last thing I remember that I was hugging (Y/n) in the park. I slowly get up and rub my eyes.

Ruby: "Morning Yang!"

Yang: "Morning.... What happened? Last time I remember I was in the park with (Y/n)..."

Ruby: "Oh! He said that you fell asleep and he carried you all the way here."

'Wait, did he really do that?'

Yang: "S-Seriously?"

Ruby: "Yep! Oh and if you want to see him, yo have to wait until afternoon. He and Roach are on patrol around the Vale and he stopped by at here before just to check if you are awake or not."

Yang: "He really stopped by?"

Blake: "Yes. He really care about you."

Weiss: "But how can you fell asleep during the night walk?"

Yang: "We sat on a bench at the park and he told a story that.. makes me a bit sleepy, hehe." I don't want to tell the truth, yet.

Ruby: "Yang? You okay?"

Yang: "Y-Yeah.. why?"

Ruby: "Usually you're always in happy mood eventhough you just woke up. But today, you look a bit down."

Yang: "I-It's nothing, sis. I'm good." I smiled at her trying to convince her.

Ruby: "Are you sure?" I nodded. "Hmm, okay! We have a class today and it's at 9:00 a.m."

Weiss: "Wait, 9:00 a.m?! Yang! Go get yourself ready for the class!

Yang: "Geezzz... Okay, ice queen." I said to her as I get out from my bed and slipped to the bathroom. My mind kept thinking about the last night.

Yang: 'Did he really carried me to my room? He also sang our favourite song during our childhood....'


Yang: "Hey, (Y/n)! What are you doing?"

(Y/n): "Oh hey there. Just searching for some songs." He said while tapping his Ipod. "Ahhh found it!"

Yang: "What song?"

(Y/n): "Castle of glass by Linkin Park."

Yang: "Is it a good song?"

(Y/n): "It's a master peice! Wanna hear to it?"

Yang: "Yeah sure." He then played the song and we both heard to it until it finished.

(Y/n): "Well, what do you think?"

Yang: "It's great! This might be my another favourite song."

(Y/n): "Let's make this as our childhood song."

Yang: "Great idea!"

-flashback end-

Yang: 'Thinking about you makes me happy especially you are here now.. You still kept the promise that we made during child. I guess, I fall in live with you.'

But I snapped out from my thinking when someone knocked the door hard.

Muffled voice: "Can you please hurry up?! We have 30 minutes left!"

 Promise (Male Reader X Yang Xiao Long) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now