Chapter 7

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(Y/n)'s POV:

I slowly opened up my eyes, only to be greeted by the lights. Last night was very amazing but it drained my energy a lot making me felt tired. I rubbed my eyes and I shifted my arm to where Yang was but she was not there. I scanned the room and my eyes caught a piece of paper of my desk. I slowly get off from the bed and walked to the desk. I picked up the paper and read it.

"Hey there handsome! Sorry that I have to leave you behind. Me and my team have a mission and I can't wait to kick some ass! By the way, last night was fun and I am very happy that it was my first time with you. I don't want to wake you up because you are sleeping peacefully and I don't want to interrupt your sleep. I'll see you again after the mission. Take care and love ya!"

-Your awesome and beautiful girlfriend-"

(Y/n): "Heh... Love you too..."

After that, I took my towel and went to the bathroom.

Location: Briefing Room.

(Y/n)'s POV:

As usual, it's a normal day for the team to be in the room and talked about current situations.

Ozpin: "Alright, here's the current situation. Right now, SEAL Team 2 has been sent near the Shadow Company after they received a solid intelligence from CIR and the Special Intelligence Command to observe for any possibilities to execute a raid operation on their base and to provide forward observation for air-to-ground attack. Based on what Captain Price said to me, the Task Force alongside with Rangers and Special Force Group will be conducting an air assault by parachuting near the enemy base."

Roach: "So, this will be the big operations to end the Shadow Company?"

Ozpin: "Correct. By now, the attacking forces has gathered at the Vallais Air Base in Vale for the upcoming operations. Until then, they have to wait for the green light from General Ironwood."

(Y/n): "Are we going to join them too?"

Ozpin: "Yes. If there is no other operation for you, then you will join with the attacking force."

Soap: "When?"

Ozpin: "Tomorrow."

Soap: "Great. Can't wait to kick their arses and bring them to their knees." He said in determination.

(Y/n): "Hey Oz, where's team RWBY been deployed to?"

Ozpin: "They've been sent to Quadrant 5 with Doctor Oobleck for grimm extermination. I know that you are worry about Yang but I guarantee that they are safe."

(Y/n): "I know, Oz... Thanks for the answer."

Soap: "Alright. For today, Roach and Ghost will go for routine patrol around the town of Vale. You will leave for your patrol in 30 minutes more. If there's anything weird or can lead to potential threat, you have the permission to capture the potential threat and bring it to Beacon for further interrogation. Any questions?"

Roach/(Y/n): "No sir!"

Soap: "Good. Any words, Ozpin?"

Ozpin: "You're dismissed."

Soap: "Wait, that's my word!"

Ozpin: "Not today, Soap." Soap then facepalmed.

Soap: *sigh* "You heard him...." Without any words, Roach and I stood up and exited the room and went to our room to prepare our gears for the routine patrol.

(Y/n): *thoughts* "Hmm... What could possibly gone wrong today or tomorrow..."

*Next day*

Location: Briefing Room.

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