Chapter 2

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A/n: This is chapter 2. Just like before, If you have any suggestions, leave it on the comment or message me. Let's get started!

-Ozpin's Office-

(Y/n)'s POV:

After we got our arses in Beacon, I went to the Ozpin's office to report in for duty. Took a while for the elevator to reach his office. When the door opened, I've met again with my team.

Ozpin: "Ahh Lieutenant. Good to have you here now."

(Y/n): "Ghost reporting for duty sir." I said and saluted.

Soap: "Good. All lads are here now. So, the reason for our presence here is that the Central Intelligence of Remnant reported that there might be an attack here. The attacker? Well, the Shadow Company."

Ozpin: "Shadow Company? But why here?" He asked as he confused.

Roach: "We believe that this will be their first phase on conquering Vale."

(Y/n): "And also their first act on their so called plan to make a better world, The World With No Boundaries."

Ozpin: "I see. So that's why Price sent you here."

Soap: "Yeah... here's the file of the details." He then handed the file to Ozpin.

Ozpin: "Great! I will work on your placement in Beacon Academy. Here is your dorm key and scrolls. As for you, you don't have to go through the initiation. Consider yourself lucky. Welcome to Beacon."

Soap: "Thanks. We will take our leave now." We saluted and walked to the elevator. As we reached the ground floor, we met team RWBY.

Ruby: "Hey guys!" She greeted us.

Soap/Roach/(Y/n): "Hey."

Yang: "So, what's your plan for today?"

Roach: "Well, since we don't have to go through the initiation, we have a lot of times to decorate our room."

Weiss: "Wait, no initiation? Why?" She asked as she raised her left eyebrow.

(Y/n): "Yep! Because we are an elite team. So, based on our experiences from various of missions, we get out free pass."

Yang: "Ooooooookay... How about we go to the town and have some fun?"

Blake: "Seriously? You just meet with them and you invite them for fun?"

Yang: "Hey! This is the time to know each other better."

Blake: "Alright, alright. Can't argue with that..." she said and raised her hands in defeat.

(Y/n): "Well, that's a great idea. So we go out after we have done with our decoration. How's that sound, Soap?"

Soap: "Sounds great. We will meet you after we finish our decoration."

Ruby: "Great! So where is your room?"

Roach: "Umm... honestly, we don't know. Our room number is A04."

Ruby: "Oh oh! That's just next to our room! We'll show you the way!" She exclaimed.

(Y/n): "Alright! Lead the way." I said and we started to walk to our dorm.

*Timeskip brought to you by, chibi (Y/n) promoting "The Operator" book.*


Yang's POV:

After they finished unpack their things, we headed to the town to have some fun and know each other better. We went to the funfair and played various of games and also, went to the famous restaurant for dinner. Welp... we spended a lot of times at the funfair and didn't realized that it was night. After leaving the restaurant, (Y/n) and I decided to take a night walk while the rest headed back to their room.

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