|4|Blonde Jokes - Platonic LAMP + D or CALM + D

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I'm sorry if I offended any blondes.

Narrator: One day, Roman thought it would be a good idea to dye his hair blonde and show it off. He was dead wrong.

Roman: *goes to the common room with blonde hair* Ta-da!

Virgil: Dafuq?

Patton: Language, Kiddo!

Roman: How do you guys like my hair? *flicks hair*

Logan: *looks through vocab cards* You look a bit... extra

Patton: I think you look great, Kiddo!

Deceit: You look Magnificent, Roman

Roman: Thank you!

Virgil: Patton do you have chalk right now?

Patton: No... *snaps fingers* Yes! Here you go Kiddo, a box of white chalk! *hands Virgil a small box*

Virgil: Thanks Dad! *takes a chalk out of the box*

Virgil: Hey Romano...

Roman: Hmm?

Virgil: I need you to stand still

Roman: Okay... *stands still in the middle of the living room*

Virgil: *Draws a circle around Roman* Now, go to the corner

Roman: *confused af* Which corner?

Deceit: *almost fell off of the chair* pfft

Virgil: While you figure which corner it it, I want you to answer my questions

Patton: *silently being proud of Virgil*

Roman: Okay...

Virgil: What is closer, The Sun or North Korea? And Logan, DON'T answer

Roman: The biggest star of course, the sun!
Virgil: You're somewhat half correct and half wrong. Logan, explain now

Logan: The Sun is not exactly the biggest star...

Narrator: While Logan explain the other stars, Virgil was plotting to make and tell Roman a lot of blonde jokes, probably even looking up some jokes on Google.


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