|8|You - Analogical

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This one has a bit angsty scene, sorry!

Narrator: One day, while Virgil was painting to preoccupy him and singing while doing the said activity, he lures Logan to go inside his room and see all the masterpieces he had made.

Virgil: *singing while painting*🎵 F. R. I. E. N. D. S. That's how you fucking spell friends- 🎵

Logan: *accidentally tripping and making a noise*

Virgil: *stands up from a chair and turns behind him with fright in his eyes* Logan?!?

Logan: *stands up and fixes his glasses* Salutations, Anxiety

Virgil: *rolls eyes* I have a name, *whispers* dumbass

Logan: Excuse me?

Virgil: No, Excuse me! You're the one who trespassed

Logan: Apologies, Virgil

Narrator: Virgil shivers at how he heard Logan say his name.

Virgil: Great, now I'm anxious

Logan: Apologies, again

Virgil: How did you come here anyway? Isn't Thomas supposed to be here too?

Logan: I have my ways

Virgil: *rolls eyes and crosses arms* So, why did you come here?

Logan: I heard a gracious voice singing a song. Instead of just waiting the right time to ask who it was, I just followed it

Virgil: To insult the person who is singing?

Logan: I said "gracious voice" didn't I?

Virgil: I think you should leave, you might get corrupted

Logan: Let's talk at the common room?

Virgil: Sure, but let me finish my painting

Logan: *glances at the finished canvas'* I didn't knew you are good at painting

Virgil: *embarrassed* Do you like them? *still painting*

Logan: They are magnificent and well done

Virgil: Which one do you think is the most "magnificent"?

Logan: You


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