|21| Black Spots - Prinxiety

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Virgil: *still watching Salad Fingers Episode 10 in his phone* Geez, that doctor must've enjoyed wrecking that horse

Patton: *peeks over Virgil's shoulder*

Patton: *eyes widen and gags*

Virgil: What the?! How long have you been in there?

Roman: We were all here already a few hours ago. You really do have your own world, don't you?

Virgil: I don't have schizophrenia

Patton: Anways... What the heck are you watching Kiddo?!

Virgil: Oh this? *points to phone* Salad Fingers

Roman: You watch that?! When I watched that a month ago, I wasn't able to sleep in a few days!

Virgil: Oh, so that's why you looked like me...

Roman: Silent peasant!

Virgil: You even wore MY hoodie

Roman: Yeah, I kno-

Virgil: You even asked me if it would be fine if you slept with me that night-

Logan: *projectile spit of orange juice*

Deceit: *fell of the chair*

Thomas: *chokes while eating crofters stuffed bread*

Virgil: W-wait, that's not w-what I m-meant!

Patton: I don't get it

Logan: If that's not what you meant, explain why there were black spots on both of your necks!

Roman and Virgil: Shit...

Shoot, I need holy water...


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