|33| If you look you're mine...

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Based off a true story...I'm not joking

While in Health class, their teacher, Mr. Sawyer, was making students write down notes from the whiteboard. And being a teacher who enjoys students not messing with chairs nor tables, told the students to seat down on the floor.   -- The students were calmly writing however, Roman wanted to play a little game...

"Hey Virge" Roman calls out, putting down his notebook and gel pen "Hmm?" Virgil says, still not looking towards the other

You see, the teacher let the students chose where they want to sit. As long as they don't get noisy-

"Umm, Class, I'm going to go out for a few minutes. Please continue writing" Mr. Sawyer says before leaving the classroom

The position was just:

"Look towards your crush" The prince says excitedly

Virgil was in gay panic

Oh shit, what should I do?

Should I lie?

But the only thing on my right is a wall!

Shit shit SHIT

"W-wha?" Virgil absentmindedly looks at Roman

"Nothing" He looks down disappointedly

Virgil turns back to the whiteboard, no interest on continuing to write anymore

He pulls his hoodie further down to his face, face very hot and red

"What the fuck just happened?"

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