|7|What does Saranghaeyo mean? - Accidental Moxiety

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I'm having a mental debate whether Jungkook's cover of "Lost Stars" is a song I already heard before. Sorry if my spelling of "Saranghaeyo" may be wrong, I still can't find a Korean Dictionary.

Patton: Virgy, Do you know Korean Words?

Virgil: A few

Patton: What does "Saranghaeyo" mean?

Virgil: It means...

Patton: *head tilts slightly* *whispers to self* Saranghaeyo means "It means"?

Virgil: I love you

Patton: Love you too! *walks away*

Virgil: *flushed and confused af* What the fuck just happened?


Roman: *jumps up from nowhere* MoXiEtY iS rEaL!!!

Virgil: *jumps* Where the hell did you came from?!?

Roman: My mother's-

Virgil: NO! I mean, where did you hide?

Roman: I was behind that wall *points to a narrowed wall*

Virgil: How long?!? How much did you saw?!?

Roman: ALL of it *grins*

Virgil: Don't tell anyone!

Roman: I don't need to, *shoves phone to Virgil's face* I sent it to the Group Chat and Thomas

Virgil: Holy Shit


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