|24| Ice Cream

589 24 6

At the car

Logan: This is for you *hands Patton a cat ice cream*

Patton: *takes it* Thank you!

Logan: For Deceit~ *hands Deceit a Melon flavored Melona ice cream*

Deceit: *just takes it*

Logan: And for Virgil... *hands Virgil a strawberry ice cream*

Virgil: *hesitates* But- I said- Never mind *takes it*

Logan: And... Roman-

Roman: *looks at Logan's hand* A paperbag?

Logan: Virgil, Deceit, and Patton, give your ice cream wrappers to Roman. Roman, that's your trash bag

Roman: *murmurs* F U Lo...

Yeah, this really happened. My mom gave my father and siblings ice cream and - since I'm the eldest among us siblings -  she gave me a paper bag... (we spoke in tagalog also known as the Philippine language)

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