Chapter 8- Gone

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I own nothing.

Percy Jackson

I think I'm awake. There are so many things going through my head, it's hard to tell. I try to remember anything. Bit right now all I remember is fighting Jason in Kansas.
I realize now that I am laying in a bed. I must of had a flashback, and they brought me to the med bay till I wake up.

Next I try to figure out what triggered the flashback. Either A-I was possessed. B-Someone else was possessed. C-I was fighting my a friend. Or D-All three.
I sat there for a minute, trying to figure this out. Then part if it came back to me. Clint, he was possessed by Loki. I had to fight him. So B and C. Not the best not the worst.
I had just decided to get up and go find Nat and Clint when the door opened.

"Percy, oh my gosh, I was so worried!" Someone half screamed.
Said person walked closer and o finally saw them. It was Nat and Clint, the two people I was about to go find.
"Hey guys, what's wrong?" They both looked freaked out. Like someone just died. I tried to sit up.
Key word tried.
Turns out I was not in the med bay because of a flashback. I was wounded. And based by the hole in my gut, it was bad.
For some reason I had felt no pain until I tried to sit up. Yeah, that moment of ignorant bliss is over.
It felt like elephants were using my brain as a boxing ring. My stomach felt as though it was caught on fire, run over by a semi, caught on fire again, then turned inside out.
After a moment my vision clear and I could see two worried faces above me.
"Water," I managed. A second later I felt a straw in my mouth. I drank the amazing cool substance.
"What happened?" I ask after a few minutes.
"Well," Nat began, "You and Clint were fighting, and you started going into a flashback. Then Clint saw this as a moment of weakness and went in for what would of been the kill. I knocked him out before he could."
I nod slightly, "Clint, I don't blame you. I almost killed Jason when I was possessed. Jason almost killed me. Leo almost kill all of camp Jupiter. These things happen."
Clint laughed, "Only you, Perseus Jackson could possibly make this relatable. This is something that should never of happened before, or ever. Then your over here talking about it happening 3 times!"
I think for a second. "Wait four, Luke was possessed by Kronos, almost killed me and Annabeth. Did kill a lot of people. We still forgave him. He made the decision to join Kronos, but he killed him in the end. But you Clint had no choice, of course I forgive you."
"You are impossible, you know that?" Clint tells me.
"I've been told." I respond with a smirk.

A moment later Steve bursts through the door. "Can any of you fly one of those jets?" The others nod. "Do you have a suit?" He asked Clint. He nods, "Then suit up."
I try again to sit up. Black spots fill my vision.
"No way Lancalot! You are not going anywhere. You are going to stay right here. You are going to rest. You are going to heal. And you are going to like it!" Natasha commands. I nod and lay back down. You do not want to make Natasha mad.

Time skip
War is over
Percy is told that Coulson is dead
At Coulson's funeral

Percy Jackson

I get out of Clint's car. I am still weak and in a ton of pain, but I am no longer restricted to the med bay.
Me Clint and Nat walk to the church where the funeral is being held. I could not believe it. He was dead. Phil Coulson was dead. The best father figure, mentor, and friend I could ever ask for is gone.
I sat down in the front row. Natasha held my hand tight, and said nothing. There was nothing to be said.
I saw the rest if the team, (Tony, Steve Bruce, Rodhey, -the unofficial team member- and Pepper) walk in and sit down next to us.
The ceremony started, and I gripped Nat's hand, not wanting to loose her to.

Tony Stark

This dude is weird. I saw him on the hellicarrier with Bruce, and they were talking away like old friends. Then he questions Loki, and fights Clint, then disappeared. Now here he is at Coulson's funeral, looking deeply affected.
He looked nice, but like he didn't wear anything he wouldn't wear most days. He has a white button up shirt, a black bow tie, and a leather jacket. He had on black jeans, and riding boots. I know he rode with Natasha and Clint, but I bet most of the time he rides a motorcycle.

When the ceremony was over the team all stood and looked at each other. I noticed Percy, (I think that's his name) had not let got of Natasha's hand this whole time. I have no idea how this dude had gained this kind if effection from the black widow.
"Let's go get drinks, on me." I say, we all look like we could use a pick me up.
They all agree and we start heading to our cars. As we walk away, I notice Percy seems to be in pain. He had his right hand on his torso, and winces every now and then.

Time skip

Bruce Banner

We all headed to the place Tony told us about. It was a small bar, and there were no costumers.
Tony waved at the bar tender, and they guy walked out. I have him a questioning look. He just laughed and shook his head.

We all go over to the bar, and Tony heades behind the counter. He starters serving us what he knows we want.
He turned to Percy, "So Jackson, what can I get you?" Here we go.
"Oh no thank you. I don't drink." He said with a sake if his head, a small smile on his face.
"What can't hold alcohol?" Tony asks, this will either be really good or really bad.
Percy let out a laugh. It was short, and clearly forced. "No. I can handle alcohol, I just choose not to. I am trained to withstand posions, of all kinds. That includes alcohol. But I will never willingly put that stuff into my body. I spent almost 10 years of my life having to deal with an abusive, drunk step father. And when he was drunk he was angery. When he has angery, people got hurt. Usually me, sometimes my mom. I'm never gonna take the chance of being like that." When he finished he was practically growling.
Natasha reached over and squeezed his hand. She wispered something in his ear, and he relaxed a bit. He still looked tense though.
"Look dude, I'm sorry. I didn't know." Toby started.
"Yeah, there's a lot of stuff you don't know about me." He said quietly.

We sat for a while talking about random things. Then Rodhey asked what everyone was thinking.
"So Percy, are you an Avenger?" We all looked at the black haired man, curiously.
He shrugs and says nothing. Natasha shakes her head.
"He is part of the Avengers. The only reason he did not take part in the battle, is he was wounded. But there is no way Coulson would of let Fury keep Percy off the team." She explained.
That raised another question, which Tony asked. "Where you close to Coulson?"
Percy sighed and nodded. "I was, but now he's gone." He took a deep breath, and in a voice so quiet I almost missed it he said, "another family gone 'cause I couldn't save them."

Hey guys, hope you liked the chapter. Sorry if there are any mistakes, I'm tired and have to get up early tomorrow. I have state testing that seems like it never ends.

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