chapter 11

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Clint Barton

     It has been six hours since Percy got up and left. Everyone was getting worried. After a quick talk with Nat, we agreed to send my out to find him.

     Now I know your probably thinking, New York is huge, how will you find Percy? Easy, I know where he is.
      Everytime Percy leaves he always goes to a very specific candy store. It's the store his mom used to work at.

     When I walked in, I saw Percy sitting at a table in the corner. I walked over and pulled up a chair next to him.
     "Clint, you really didn't have to come I'm fine." Percy says firmly.
      "Percy, do you know how long you have been gone?" I ask.
       He shrugs, "An hour?" I laugh.
       "Try six. The team was worried." I tell him.
      "What about you, were you worried?"
"Not particularly, but I didn't really want you to be alone right now. So I came."
       He sighed, "I will think I moved in, and I'm okay, then something like this will happen. And I just don't know what to do."
     I grip his shoulder, "Percy you are 31. You have your whole life ahead of you. Yeah, you have had a pretty bad past. You have lost a lot of people. But you have had a great life. Your mom loved you! That's more than I had. You had friends, Nat didn't have that. You had a real family. Sure mabey they are gone now. But I mean how many people still consider the people they meet when they were teenagers as family. I know it seems like you have had nothing but bad luck, but everything has always seemed to work out. You left the greek world, and found me and Natasha. You have a job you love, and surrounded by people who love you. And now you have the Avengers. There are a lot of people out there who would do anything to be in your position, even if that ment taking all of your burdens too. Percy you have had a great life. And you still have a long life ahead."
      He looked at me with an amused expression, "Did you just make that up, or did you come up with it on the way here?"
     "Honestly, I have no idea where that came from. But it's true." I tell him.
      He sighs, "I know, and I'll try to look at it like that. It's just hard."
      "This is one burden you don't have to bare alone. We are all here for you. So you just have to be yourself. Who ever that is."

      We sit in a comfortable scilence for a few minutes. I stand up, "Percy, we should head back. The others will be worried." I offer him my hand. He grabs it and I pull him up.
     We walk outside and it was pouring rain, "Please tell me you brought a car" Perce says pleadingly.
     I laugh and nod, "It's around the corner."

The way back to the tower was filled with goofy jokes, sarcasm, sass, and stupidity. It was amazing.

Steve Rogers

     We were all sitting in the living room, waiting for Clint and Percy to come back. It had been almost and hour since Clint left, and seven since Jackson left. I was worried.
      It appeared that most everyone else shared my concern. Everyone but Romanoff. Her bast friend and husband were gone and she didn't seem to care. It seemed as though this was a regular occurrence. Given what I have seen of the agents I wouldn't be surprised if it was.

     After a few more minutes we heard the elevator open and the two men walked in. The strange thing was, they were laughing and smiling. It did not look as though one if them had run off angery and upset, just hours before.
      Jackson sat down in the couch next to Romanoff. He gave her a light kiss. "What put you in such a good mood?"
      He laughed, "Just had an eye opening conversation with Clint. And for the first time in a while, I feel like I am free." He had a contagious smile on his face, that made Natasha break out in a grin.
      "I'm glad to hear it." She gave him another kiss, then slapped the back of his head. "Now stop scaring me like that. Don't just disappear on me." She slapped him again, but they both had smiles on their faces.
      "Stop it you two, public displays of affection make people uncomfortable!" Tony said as walked into the room.
   We all laughed and started talking about useless stuff.

     Percy pulled out his phone, "Ah I got a, I gotta get ready." He got up and left.
     A few minutes later he walked back in. He was wearing a white button down shirt, black pants, a leather trench coat, and boots. His hair was combed, and slightly messy but not to the point when it looked uncontrolled.

 His hair was combed, and slightly messy but not to the point when it looked uncontrolled

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(And a trench coat like fury's cause ya know he extra)

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(And a trench coat like fury's cause ya know he extra)

He was handsome, but not so much he would stand out in a crowd to much. A perfect spy.

     "What's your mission, Mr. Spy?" Clint asked his friend.
      Percy smirked, "It's a secret, you know level eight stuff. Top secret, you lowly level sevens can't know."
       Natasha was about to attack him, but Percy step out of the way. He waved his index finger, "uh, uh, uh. No attacking a higher ranking agent. I can report you to Fury. You know I'm headed to him now."
      Natasha looked like she wanted to smash him into a tiny pulp, Percy just laughed and stuck his toung out at her.
      "Bye guys!" He called out as he walked to the elevator.
       "Be careful Perce, Nat will kill me if you die, then she will kill you!" Clint called after him.
       "Trust me I know!" We heard one last laugh before the door closed.

      "What exactly was that about?" Tony asked.
       "Me and Natasha are both level seven, Percy is a level eight. He brings this up as often as possible." Clint explained.
       Rohdey let out a low wistle. "Dang that is technically a higher ranking that me."
       Natasha nodded, "It's really hard to get promoted from a seven to a eight, and Mr. Spy over there did it, and now me and Clint can't cetch up. Why does my husband have to be so good. Why couldn't I of married someone like Clint?" She said with a smile.
      Clint gasped, "I'm hurt!" We all laugh at their antics.

Sorry it's been a while since I updated I was on vacation and had little time to myself. Hope you enjoyed this. As always I own nothing.

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