chapter 13

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Percy Jackson

     Phil was right, this was a retrieval. A retrieval of the ex leader of Russia. We brought him into SHEILD for questioning.
     I said goodbye to Phil and headed back to New York.
Time Skip

      I walk into the tower, and head for the kitchen. Nat, Clint and Steve are in there. I open up the fridge, and grab a water bottle and three slices of Pizza.
      "Hey Percy. How was your mission?" Nat greets me.
       "What happened?" Clint asks.
     "I'm not at liberty to tell. Level eight or higher only." That's true, this is top secret. No one knows that the Russian did anything. But SHEILD that is.
     "Come on Perce, you can tell us!" Clint pleads.
      "No I can't, not unless you want me to loose my job and you three to loose your lives."
      Steve laughs, "I'm gonna go so I'm not a witness."
      I smirk and punch my fist into my palm. "How about an accompanist instead?"
      He laughs, "I hold and you punch!" He says this in a spot in Mulan impression.
      "I'll get Clint if you get Natasha," I tell him.
      "Ah, come on. How bout you get Nat?"
      "You want me to fight my wife? Do you know how dangerous that is? Your less likely to die."
      "Good enough for me."
      Everyone starts circling each other, ready to pounce. That is until Tony walks in.
      "What's going on in here?" The surprised billionaire asks.
      His sudden entrance surprised me and Natasha. She ended up on Steve's shoulders, and I had Clint pinned to the ground.
      "Nothing you can prove!" I tell Tony.
     I reluctantly get off Clint, and Natasha jumps down from Steve. I sigh, "Sorry guys but I really can't talk about the mission. It was a retrieval and there was one other agent with me. In, out, no witnesses, no crime scene. That is all you need to know."
      Nat gives me a peck on the cheek, "Your always flawless on missions, that us no surprise. What is a surprise is another agent. You never work with anyone besides me and Clint. If we weren't allowed on the mission you would of gone alone."
     Clint laughs, "You know he would allow Phil to come with him, when it was an upper level mission and we weren't able to. Maybe he revived the dead."
      "If he did that, then we have a while new set of issues." Natasha says with a smirk. "Anyway the only times he would go with Coulson was when it was to train newbies. Show them good feild work."
      I sigh and rub my head. Their back and forth is giving me a headache. "Can we please not talk about Phil, still a sore subject. Anyway, Fury said I had to bring the dude. He was there to assess me during a mission. We were not working as partners. I did everything and he took notes." That was also true, Phil was there to do a progress assessment on me.
       "Whatever you say my океан king." Nat placed her hand on my back, and leaned her head in my shoulder. She had given me that name when we started dating. Ocean king. She thought it suited me. I didn't correct her.
      Tony coughs, "I'm just gonna go now, cause this is weird." He slowly backs out if the room.

Time Skip

     That night was movie night. Tony ordered Chinese food and we all piled up in the living room with blankets and pillows.
      Natasha was going through Tony's millions of movies, and finally pulled one out.
      I take the movie from her and put it back in the pile. "Nope! I hate the guy! And you know that movie is insanely inaccurate!"
      "You've met Hercules?" The son of Hephestas asks.
       I sigh, "Unfortunately. Everyone thinks he is this big powerful god. He killed all this crazy monsters, his twelve labors. Yada yada yada. And Hercules is Roman. His Greek form is Heracles. Zeus named him after Hera so she wouldn't be mad at him. The dude now is always complaining about how unimportant his job is, and how he should be the god if something more powerful. He is the god of passageways."
       Clint smirks, "And Percy did everything Heracles is known for doing."
       "That too."

        After five more minutes, Natasha finally pulls another movie out. The Little mermaid. "Is this one sutable?"
       "I mean they take my idiot brother and make him seem like dad, but yeah that's good."
        "Does that make Ariel your neice?" Clint asks.

       "Ya know Perce, you and Natasha kinda look like Eric and Ariel. It's weird." Tony tells us halfway through the movie.
       Natasha smirks, "He is my ocean king." I have her a peck on the cheek.
       "No PDA!" Steve yells and throws popcorn at us.

      The next morning Nat is already awake when I get up.
      "Hey babe, we need to talk." She tells me.
       "What's up?" I ask even though I have a good idea if where this is going.
        "Since you got back from the mission you seem off. Like your holding back. I asked Clint, and your not lieing, but not telling the whole truth." She sits down next to me, and stars playing with my hair.
        "Level eight. Can't tell." I hate lieing to her.
       "Even when you were three levels higher than me, it was never like this. Please tell me Percy. I'm your wife, we are not supposed to keep secrets."
       "Yeah, well we are also spies and it is our job to keep secrets."
       "But not from each other. Please I can see it's bothering you just tell me." She is pleading.
        I sigh, and finally give in. "Jarvis turn off all a/v."
        "Yes sir."
        I sit up, look Natasha in the eyes, and grab her hands. "Phil Coulson is alive. He died for six seconds but they got him back. Nick decided that you all needed the inspiration so kept it a secret. It is level eight information and he was needed for my annual assessment. He did all of the others so Nick wanted ohil to go in and do this one. They said I wasn't allowed to tell anyone. I'm sorry." I put just head down, and wouldn't meet her eyes.
       "Hey your okay," she was cut off by an alarm.
        "Sorry for the disturbance, but Tony believes he has found Loki's septer and needs both of you down stairs."
        Out eyes meet once more, then we hurry down stairs, where another adventure awaits.

The end.

Hey y'all. Sorry it's been a bit since I updated. But this is it. I might make a sequel, but I'm gonna finish my other book first. If you haven't seen it, it's called 'Can a Haunted Past Bring a Brighter Future?'

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