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' You Never Know

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' You Never Know. '


She could hardly remember how she got there or who she was, but, to Blair, that didn't really matter. She had a feeling she'd rather not know her past, or the people in it. She had been in the so called safe place for almost a week and despite everyone's anticipation to be chosen to go the the Safe Haven, she didn't want to. Not that she was sure she had a chance at it, anyway. She was sure she was invisible to most of the population in the place.

Many people from different mazes filled the room around her as she sat in the far corner by herself, her feet propped up on the chair in front of her so no one would sit there. She watched silently as everyone interacted around her, picking up the little things that no one else would notice. Like how someone would look at the person they liked, or how one of the youngest in the place would steal food; thinking no one was watching. She was sure she knew things that some didn't even know about themselves.

'Blair, you're wanted in medical,' A guard spoke sternly as he approached her.

With a long sigh, she stood and followed after him for her daily check up. During her time in her maze, she had injured herself pretty seriously as a runner; nothing that hadn't already healed. But after rebreaking it before she was shipped to the place, they wanted to make sure it was healing properly the second time round. Her eyes scanned around the room as she entered it, just as she did every room she entered. Greenies filled the room, getting the necessary treatment everyone was given before they were allowed inside.

Blair sat down on the free bed, her nurse, Carol, quickly rushing over to check over her leg and hip; performing a series of movements before she asked her to go to a treadmill. Excitement built in her stomach. She loved to run, and missed it; not enough space for her to do much in the safe haven. She looked over the boy who was already running on one of the treadmills, not returning the nod he sent her. He was tan with black hair, his facial features allowed her to trace him to an Asian descent. She began to move her feet as the belt beneath her began to move below her, quickly speeding up to a sprint.

The girl could feel the boy's eyes on her, knowing she was running much faster then he was. There was a dull ache in her leg, but nothing she couldn't push through as she continued to run. She looked around at the few people she could see, eyes raking over each of them as she studied them slowly. There was a blonde haired boy receiving an inject to her right, his eyes a deep green; across the hall there was a dark haired boy questioning the injection he was receiving, a serious look on his face. She knew from his actions and the way he spoke that he was the leader of the group.

To her left, there was a brunette girl who was staring out into the air as she sat on the bed waiting, one of the main doctors walking up to meet her. She didn't get to study her for long as the curtain blocked her view, but from what she gathered, she had an odd feeling about the girl. She looked briefly at the boy beside her, his whole concentration on moving his feet quick enough to keep up with the pace the belt was going; almost matching her pace. He seemed like a gentle giant, as did the blonde; both of them had kind faces.

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