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' Oh, Great

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' Oh, Great. '


Blair limped into the cafeteria again after her check up with her leg, plonking herself down in her usual seat; kicking her legs up onto the seat in front of her. Jansen was already calling out the names of kids who would be going away, so she closed her eyes and leant her head against the wall.

'Edgar. Samantha,' Jansen's voice was the only one that could be heard; 'Aaron. Dennis. Sally. Henry. Tim. And last but not least, David. Thank you for your attention. Enjoy the rest of your evening.'

She pulled an eye open when she heard someone raised their voice slightly, watching as Thomas crossed the room; joining onto the end of the line of the chosen group. She cocked and eyebrow at Newt, asking him what he was doing, but the blonde shrugged in reply. Blair turned her gaze back to Thomas as he began to argue with the guards, before he turned to walk away. But she had seen that look that he held in his eye so many times before, she easily predicted what he was going to do next. He turned and ran at the guards, pushing to get his way through.

'Back off!' The guard yelled as he shoved the teen backwards.

Thomas' entire table was up and running across the room at that point, making her sigh before she did the same. She stood at the back of the group, earning a confused look from Minho which she rolled her eyes at.

'What's your problem, man?' Thomas yelled as he charged at the guard again; 'What the hell, huh?'

'Back off!' The guard yelled as as he shoved him back into the groups arms.

Each of the boys wrapped an arm around their friend, pulling him back as he struggled against them.

'Why won't you let me see her?' Thomas yelled.

'Control your friend!' The guard ignored the question as he pointed at Thomas.

Thomas stopped struggling when Janson pushed through the guards, calling out as he did so.

'What's happening here?' He asked; 'Thomas? I thought we could trust each other. You know we're all on the same team here.'

'Are we?' Thomas stated.

'Get them to their bunks.'

The girl was already walking back to the room before the man even spoke, the boy's being pushed after her by the two guards. The door to the room was thrown open and each of them were practically thrown inside, Blair stumbling forward and onto the ground. Her face set into a glare, but she didn't say anything as she slid across the concrete.

'Get your asses in there! All of you!' The guards yelled.

The door was slammed shut once everyone was inside, all of them turning to face Thomas. Minho held a hand out to the girl, which she took and allowed him to pull her up. She thanked him with a tight smile, rubbing her burning palms on her jeans as she walked over to her bunk.

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