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  ' You keep me sane, love

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  ' You keep me sane, love. ' 


Blair found Newt on the roof, sitting on the edge with his legs dangling down the side. She approached him slowly, catching his eye as he looked over his shoulder at her before he patted the concrete beside him. She moved to sit with him, taking his hand in her own before resting it on her thigh; running her thumb lightly over his knuckles.

'I understand now,' He muttered before looking at her quickly; 'Why you freaked out after you went off at the girls.'

'It's scary, aye?' She suggested; 'Not being able to control your feelings.'

'Yeh... When was the last time it happened to you?'

'When Gally tried to send me back.'


She hummed in agreement, nodding her head as she looked over what was in front of her.

'But that wasn't as bad as mine,' Newt queired.

'Only because I found a way to not make it was bad. I focus really hard on something else, something that doesn't anger me. Something that calms me,' She replied.

'What is it?'


She felt his eyes on the side of her face as he stared at her intensely, a smile coming onto her face as she slowly turned to look at him. He sighed at his questioning look, her eyes falling to their hands.

'You're the only thing that makes me feel safe anymore, besides Aris. But he isn't here,' She chuckled; 'You keep me sane, love.'

'Hey, that's my bloody name,' He exclaimed.

Laughter poured from her lips as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer. She kept her head on his shoulder then, listening to him sigh.

'How do I do it?' He asked.

'You already do,' She informed him; 'The moment you heard my voice you calmed down, you came back into your mind.'

'Well, better keep you around then.'

She chuckled lightly as she shoved him, her eyes remaining on their hands as she played with his fingers.

'Did I ever tell you about when I broke me leg?' Newt asked out of the blue.

'No,' She shook her head lightly.

'Way back in the maze, I just come up in the box like all the other guys. Didn't know where I was, who I was, you know?'

She sat up when he paused, his arm falling from around her shoulders as he brought it to sit in his lap; bringing her hand with him. He didn't look at her, instead watched their hands as he wrapped both of his around her own.

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