Chapter 16

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Brittany's P.O.V.

I ran through the forest, dodging my way through the mass of evergreens.

My heart was thudding rapidly against my chest, and I imagined my feet hitting the ground in a subconscious rythmn to a song I could only percieve when running.

As I picked up speed, I lost myself to the exhilaration overpowering my mind.

This is running to me.

Slowly, wanting the feeling to last as long as it could, I came to a stop to catch my breath.

Finding a recently fallen tree, I sat on it.

Any normal person would never step into the woods again after something like what had happened to me last time, but I'm not one of those people so here I was.

However, I wasn't stupid enough to go back to the woods behind my school.

Having spent a few hours bored at home after attending 11 o clock mass, I had found myself thinking about Jesse, so I had decided to go running to relieve my mind.

Unfortunately, I'm still thinking about Jesse.

I hadn't talked to him since that Monday night. He has called the house phone a few times, but I told my brother to tell him that I was out.

I feel horrible for not talking to him, but I had needed some space to think for a few days about what he had told me.

Well, those few days had almost turned into a whole week now.

It was just so much to take in. And so fast. I mean, how could he even be sure we're mates? I still don't really even understand the whole thing.

What if he was friends with those werewolves that attacked me? Wouldn't that make him one of them too?

I groaned. This is so confusing.

Somewhere near me, too close for my liking, I heard leaves crunching. My head snapped around. Unfortuantely, I couldn't see anything from where I am. There was a huge tree blocking my eyesight.

'Please god, not again,' I made a silent, quick prayer.

I stood up just in case I needed to run for my life, again. After all, it could just be a rabbit or something.

The noises were coming from behind me, I realized now.

Then they stopped.

Whatever it is had gone, I hope. There's still that big tree.

Slowly and quietly, I stepped over the fallen tree and approached the large one.

Bracing myself for what might be behind it, I silently crept around it.


'I guess it really did go,' I thought as I swept my view across the forest behind it.

"Boo!" someone shouted from behind me.

I jumped, startled from the sudden loud noise.

I whipped around to find that Mike guy laughing.

"What the hell?" I asked him. "You scared the crap out of me!"

"I'm sorry," he said, still laughing.

"You don't look sorry."

"You're right, I don't. Your face... priceless. I'm keeping that mental image in my mind forever."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2012 ⏰

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