Chapter 15

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  • Dedicated to The fans who stuck with me when I still didn't upload. Thanks! :D

Guess who finally uploaded?! That's right, this chick talking to ya right here.



Brittany’s P.O.V.

I looked into the den to find a whole bunch of people (or should I say pack of people?) looking at us. This isn’t awkward… at all.


Jesse’s P.O.V.

I looked over at Brittany, I didn’t realize the other pack leaders would still be here. I saw my siblings faces in the crowd too.

Mike looked at me with a knowing look. No doubt I’ll be in for a whole load of questions later.

I was hoping I could talk to her more about this whole werewolf/mate thing. I think she took it well, she didn’t really say much, but at least she didn’t run away from me.

"Umm," I started saying. Well what do I call them, they’re not really my pack. "People, this is Brittany, Brittany this is people."

"Hi, umm.. people," Brittany said, giving a little wave.

"Julie, why don’t you get Brittany something to drink?" my mom asked my sister.

"Sure," Julie said, probably wanting an excuse to skip out on the meeting.

Jules never really liked pack meetings.

"You could take Emma with you too," my mother added.

Emma? Who’s Emma?

"Come on Emma," Julie said, taking the girl who wouldn’t talk’s hand.

So that’s her name? How’d they find that out?

Brittany followed them.

Brittany’s P.O.V.

I followed Julie and the other girl, Emma, into the kitchen, taking the clue that they probably didn’t want me in the living room at the moment.

"So what do you want to drink?" Julie asked me.

"Water’s fine," I told her.

"Would you like some water also?" Julie asked Emma.

Emma gave a slight nod of her head in reply.

Emma was blonde with these really pretty blue eyes. She looked really feeble and scared though. She barely had any fat to her arms, and her skin was really pale. She looked really sick, but I wasn’t so sure.

"Hi, my name is Brittany," I told her. "And I’m pretty sure your name is Emma."

She smiled faintly and nodded.

"So how old are you?" I asked her trying to start a conversation while Julie was grabbing two bottles of water and a coke from the fridge.

"She doesn’t talk," Julie informed me cracking open her can of coke and sliding one of the bottles of water my way. She slid another bottle to Emma, and it landed in front of her.

"Well why don’t you talk?" I asked her.

Something obviously happened to this girl, but what?

"So Jesse told you?" Julie asked.

"Yeah." I replied.

"How are you taking it?"

"Honestly, I don't really know what to think of it yet."

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