Chapter 5

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Hey I’m writing this chapter earlier than usual because of the wonderful comments I received on the last four chapters. I really wish I could dedicate a chapter to all of you, but there are not enough chapters. I’ll shout out to all of you at the end of this chapter!!!

Hope you like it!!!




Jesse’s P.O.V.

“We’re going to church,” I said.

“Why?” my dad asked.

“Because my mate is going to church,” I said.

“Oh, ok,” my dad said.

“Phillip, Jason,” my mom called my brothers, “we’re going to church, so get ready.”

My older brother, Jason, 18, and younger brother, Phillip, 16, came running down the stairs.

“Mom, why do we have to go to church?” they whined.

“So we can meet Jesse’s mate,” my mom said.

“Oh, come on,” they both said.

“Go up to your rooms and get ready now!” my mom yelled at them.

“Yes mam,” they murmured.

I couldn’t help but smile.


Brittany’s P.O.V.

I walked through the main aisle of Saint Breaca’s church and started looking for an empty pew, my brother following behind me. My mom couldn’t come because she was really sick this morning. I was wearing a white sundress and a pair of silver sandals. I finally found a pew and kneeled down to say my prayers. After I finished my prayers, I sat down in the pew. Mass was going to start in about two minutes. ‘Please turn off your cellphones’ was flashing on a projection over the altar. I didn’t have to worry about that, so I just stared at the altar. I wonder if Jesse really is going to come. I glanced over at the door. He wasn’t coming.

“Who are you looking for?” my brother whispered.

“No one,” I said.

Just then Jesse came walking through the door followed by four boys; two of the boys looking a little like Jesse. I’m guessing those two are his brothers. One was maybe a little older then Jesse and he had green eyes and brown hair, while the other was probably younger with hazel eyes and brown hair. What about the other two? One of the other two had brown hair and blue eyes, and the other had blonde hair and blue eyes. They were all hot, tall, and muscular, I have to admit that. There was also a man and a woman. They were probably Jesse’s parents.

Everyone in church were either gawking at them, drooling over them, or just plain all staring. I felt like laughing hysterically, but knew not to in church. I turned around.

“I’m guessing that’s who you were looking for,” my brother whispered to me.

“Please shut up,” I whispered back.

“Nah, I’ll think about it, but you know I’m still getting the impression that he’s your boyfriend.”

“He’s not my boyfriend.”

I heard footsteps walking down the main aisle. They stopped and sat in the pew behind us.

“Hey Brittany,” his familiar voice whispered from behind me.

“Sure,” my brother whispered to me.

I glared at my brother. I’m never letting him have the bacon again!!!

I turned around and smiled. Holy shizmibobber! All the boys had fit into one pew, and only the parents were sitting in another pew.

“Hey Jesse,” I whispered.

One of his brothers cleared his throat.

“Oh sorry, Jason,” Jesse said. “Guys, this is Brittany, Brittany this is Jason, Phillip, Mike, and Luke.”

“Nice to meet you,” I said to all of them while shaking all their hands.

Damn, they all have firm grips; my hand is starting to hurt. Turns out Jason was the older brother with brown hair  and green eyes, Phillip was the younger brother with brown hair and hazel eyes, Mike was the one with brown hair and blue eyes, and Luke was the one with blonde hair and blue eyes.

The priest came in holding the bible followed by the altar boys holding a cross, and everyone stood up. When the priest reached the alter he turned around and said “Good morning ladies and gentleman I’d like to remind you to turn off your cellphones.”

Immediately all of Jesse’s family and friends took their cellphones out and turned them off.

Then mass started.


When mass was over everyone filtered outside. I began to search for Jesse. He was by his family, turning his cellphone back on. I laughed and went up to him.

“I guess you’re one of those people who can’t live without your cellphone,” I said.

He chuckled, “I could live without my cellphone.”


“Wanna bet?”

“Sure fifty bucks.”

“Ok, bet on.”

“Give me your cellphone.”

“No, that wasn’t part of the deal.”

“Well it is now.”

He reluctantly handed over his cellphone.

“Want to go get some frozen yogurt?” Jesse asked.

“Sure,” I said. “Let me go tell my brother.”


I went and told my brother, and soon I was sitting next to Jesse in the shotgun seat of a shiny black Porsche.


Yeah, I know this chapter was short and a bit boring, but the next chapter is way better!!!


And now for the shout outs!!!

My new and awesome fans. Thanks for fanning it really means a lot!!!!! And I really mean it when I say I wish I could dedicate a chapter to all of you!!!







The people who wrote the awesome comments I got. Thanks for all your comments, Even though you may not know it, they really do help!!






And to the person who made the awesome new book cover!!! Thank you!!!


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